Proposal from the informal working group on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval to restructure UN R116 into two separate regulations. The regulation addresses anti-theft, alarm, and immobilizer aspects of theft prevention. Since these aspects may be mandatory or optional depending upon the country or market, the application of UN R116 to whole vehicle type approval becomes problematic. This proposal would extract the immobilizer provisions into a separate new regulation.
50. The expert from OICA, in his capacity of GRSG Ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA, informed GRSG about the progress made during the recent meetings of the IWGs (WP.29-168-12). As an outcome of the task force set up by GRSG at the previous session, he introduced GRSG-110-24 proposing several solutions to clarify the scope of UN Regulation No. 116. GRSG welcomed the document and noted a number of comments.
51. Following the discussion, GRSG agreed to follow the idea of having in future three separate UN Regulations on (i) anti-theft devices, (ii) alarm systems and (iii) immobilizers. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2016 on the basis of concrete proposals and requested the secretariat to keep GRSG-110-24 on the agenda as a reference document.