World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 166 | 23-26 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 3.5.1.
Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Seventy-third session, 14-17 April 2015)

23. The Chair of GRE reported on the results of the seventy-third session of GRE (for details, see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/73).

24. He informed WP.29 about the activities of GRE on simplifying of lighting and light-signalling Regulations and invited WP.29 to provide guidance on a number of legal and practical issues (see paras. 48 and 49 below). He also reported on GRE efforts to reach a consensus for amending the Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) provisions in Regulations Nos. 48 and 87, with the aim to include Regulation No. 48 into IVWTA.

25. Finally, WP.29 noted that, to prepare a consolidated proposal on new criteria for the automatic levelling of headlamps, GRE decided to establish a new Informal Working Group on Visibility, Glare and Levelling (IWG on VGL). WP.29 gave its consent for establishing the IWG.

GRE/73 Report of the GRE on its 73rd session
WP.29-166-05 Proposal to amend Paragraph 13.1. of the draft UN Regulation No. 0 (Russia and EC)
WP.29-166-15 Draft proposal for UN Regulation No. 0
WP.29-166-18 Exchange of communications between the secretariat and OLA on the simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations
WP.29-166-22 Simplification of lighting and light signalling Regulations (SLR): options and issues
WP.29-166-23 LED headlamps design restrictive requirement under UN Regulation No. 48 (France)
WP.29/2015/68 Proposal for draft Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval