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Proposal for draft Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval
Document WP.29/2015/68
13 April 2015

Draft proposal for the regulation to establish an international whole vehicle type approval. This proposal includes tentative text in brackets that is still awaiting final agreement among the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

56. The representative of Japan, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on IWVTA introduced the Draft UN Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/104) and the latest amendments to its Annex 4 listing UN Regulations covered by the IWVTA (WP.29-172-12). He highlighted other UN Regulations to be reviewed by the relevant GR before they may be included in the annex, namely UN Regulations Nos. 14, 34, 116, 129 and the future UN Regulation on implementing the Worldwide Light-Duty Test Procedures (WLTP). WP.29 agreed to keep the document on the agenda for its November 2017 session for consideration and adoption.

57. He further introduced a tentative draft of the Rules of Procedures and the Terms of Reference (WP.29-172-14) for the future work of the IWG on IWVTA Phase 2. WP.29 asked to keep the document on the agenda for its November 2017 session for consideration and adoption.

4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

52. The representative of OICA informed the World Form that the IWG had reviewed the proposal presented by the representative of the Russian Federation (WP.29-167-08) and considered that the issue raised had multiple implications. He added that the IWG, therefore, preferred to address the concerns of the Russian Federation in the above-mentioned question and answer document, in order to ensure that all possible scenarios are duly taken into account.

2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)
3.5.1. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Seventy-third session, 14-17 April 2015)
4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

52. The representative of Japan, Co-Chair of the IWG on IWVTA, reported on the progress at the eighteenth meeting of the group. He reported that IWG had introduced two definitions for type: vehicle type, which could contain all variants regardless of their level of conformity, and which corresponded to what we are used to; and IWVTA type, which defined one level of conformity within a vehicle type. He presented informal document WP.29-166-15 on the changes required to the draft UN Regulation No. 0. He clarified that these changes would be included in the text during the September session of the group and would further be included as Revision 1 to document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/68. He notified WP.29 that UN Regulation No. 0 would be pre-tested and that the contact point for pre-testing had been indicated in the informal document for anyone interested. The representative of the Russian Federation highlighted mutual proposal with the European Commission on the applicability of national and regional requirements in addition to IWVTA if there are no such requirements in the existing UN Regulations

4.2.2. Guidance on amendments to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

44. The representative of Japan, Chair of the IWG on IWVTA, reported on the meetings of the Group on the development of draft UN Regulation No. 0 (WP.29-165-14 and WP.29-165-15). He presented an outline of UN Regulation No. 0 (WP.29-165-15) and sought the advice of WP.29 on: (i) the number of months necessary for Contracting Parties to accept IWVTA pursuant to UN Regulation No. 0 after its entry into force, (ii) resolving the uncertainty in applying UN Regulation No. 116, and (iii) a common procedure for replacement spare parts for vehicles covered by an IWVTA. He presented two options for the spare parts: (a) Contracting Parties should accept original equipment spare parts covered by IWVTA; or (b) Contracting Parties should accept all spare parts having valid UN approvals for vehicles covered by IWVTA (original equipment and aftermarket spare parts). He underlined the possibility for Contracting Parties applying UN Regulation No. 0 to not to be bound by this clause.

45. The Chair of the IWG on IWVTA reported that the Group had nearly completed the draft UN Regulation No. 0 and that it would continue to work on remaining issues, such as the definition of vehicle type. He added that the subgroup on UN Regulation No. 0 would resume deliberations in June 2015 and that the results would be reported to WP.29 at its next session.

46. The representative of EU expressed his appreciation for the work of IWG. He informed WP.29 that the EU was flexible concerning the number of months needed to accept IWVTA after its entry into force so that a period up to twelve months would be acceptable. He supported the proposed request to GRSG to consider the uncertainty issue on UN Regulation No. 116. He finally expressed the support of the EU for option (b) for spare parts.

47. The representative of the Netherlands informed WP.29 that he also preferred a period of twelve months for Contracting Parties to accept IWVTA after its entry into force and that a period of nine months would be acceptable, pending the agreement of the majority of Contracting Parties. He also supported the option (b) for spare parts.

48. The Chair of GRSG confirmed that GRSG should consider the issue of UN Regulation No. 116 and clarify the text of the Regulation, if needed. He expected that this question would be addressed by GRSG at its May 2015 session.

4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)
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