Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 56 | 9-12 Dec 2014
Agenda Item 17.
Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced child restraint systems)

33. The expert from France, Chair of the IWG on Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (ECRS), introduced: (i) a presentation to show the main content of the draft 01 series of amendments incorporating provisions for booster seats (GRSP-56-28), (ii) the draft proposal (GRSP-56-08 superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2014/28) and (iii) the consolidated version of the UN Regulation, incorporating the proposed amendments (GRSP-56-09). The expert from OICA proposed to reduce the height of the measuring device, to evaluate a universal booster cushion, from 910 mm to 830 mm. He explained that this last value would be less restrictive for vehicle design. The expert from EC informed GRSP that a research test report on child abdominal injuries would be published soon. Accordingly, he raised a study reservation to consider the above-mentioned outcome of research and to complete the assessment of GRSP-56-08. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its May 2015 session to consider and adopt, as a whole, draft 01 series of amendments and the parallel amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (see para. 17). Finally, the secretariat was requested to distribute GRSP-56-08 with an official symbol at the next GRSP session.

34. The expert from France informed GRSP that, for the time being, the IWG does not have the resources to provide a corresponding Addendum to the M.R.1. to include drawings and specifications of the Q dummies, due to their number and complexity. He explained that the IWG likely would reallocate resources in the future to cover this issue. Finally, he asked for a one year extension of mandate of the IWG to develop Phase 3 of the UN Regulation (covering CRS using adult safety-belts to restrain children). The expert from Germany underlined that the initial purpose of the UN Regulation, to incorporate for better clarity all provisions concerning universal ISOFIX, had been compromised by covering a number of different CRS categories. Finally, GRSP agreed to seek the endorsement of WP.29 to extend the mandate of the IWG until December 2015.

35. GRSP considered and adopted GRSP-56-31-Rev.1, to prevent installation of y-shaped straps on forward facing CRS, as reproduced in Annex V of the GRSP session report. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposal to WP.29 and AC.1, for consideration and vote at their March 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 4 to the UN Regulation No. 129 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/43).

36. The experts from CLEPA and CI introduced respectively GRSP-56-24 and GRSP-56-27, as a draft brochure for a coordinated information campaign on UN Regulation No. 129. The expert from Germany announced that a similar initiative would be published soon in his country. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject on the basis of a possible common text agreed by interested parties.

GRSP-56-08 Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 (France)
GRSP-56-09 Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 129 (Consolidated version) (France)
GRSP-56-24/Rev.1 UN Regulation No. 129 (i-Size UN Regulation): An important step towards an enhanced child protection in crashes (CLEPA)
GRSP-56-27 Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (Regulation No. 129) - Draft brochure (ANEC and CI)
GRSP-56-28 Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (Regulation No. 129) - Booster Seats and Booster Cushions (France)
GRSP-56-31/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplement 4 to Regulation No. 129 (Netherlands)
GRSP/2014/28 Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 129 (France)