World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 162 | 11-14 Mar 2014
Agenda Item 14.1.
Proposal for a global technical regulation on Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP)
WP.29-162-06 Table for planned voting on new GTR concerning WLTP and Tyres
WP.29/2014/27 Proposal for a new global technical regulation on the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP)
WP.29/2014/28 Final report on the development of a new global technical regulation on the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)
WP.29/AC.3/26 Proposal to develop a new global technical regulation on worldwide harmonized light vehicle test procedures (Japan, EU, and USA)
WP.29/AC.3/26/Add.1 Addendum to the proposal to develop a new GTR on worldwide harmonized light vehicle test procedures (EU)