Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 88 | 25-28 Apr 2023
Agenda Item 6. (a)
UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices)

16. The expert from CLCCR tabled a revised proposal that increases the number of manoeuvring lamps on trailers according to the length of the trailer (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2022/25/Rev.1 and GRE-88-24). Following an in-depth discussion, GRE adopted the proposal as contained in GRE-88-24, subject to the replacement of “must” with “shall” in paragraph 6.26.2. and decided to include in a new 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48.

17. The expert from OICA proposed aligning the requirement for the visibility of red light towards the front and/or white light toward the rear of the vehicle in various series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 with the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulations Nos.148 and 149 (GRE-88-17 and GRE-88-18).

18. GRE adopted GRE-88-18 and decided to include it in a new 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48. GRE also adopted GRE-88-17 as a Supplement to the series of amendments from 03 to 08 of UN Regulation No. 48. GRE requested the secretariat to submit it for consideration and vote at the November 2023 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as part of draft Supplement 19 to the 06 series of amendments, draft Supplement 6 to the 07 series of amendments and draft Supplement 4 to the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48. GRE decided to postpone the submission of these amendments for the 03, 04 and 05 series of amendments, in order to combine them with future amendment proposals to the same series of amendments.

19. The expert from the Special Interest Group (SIG) on the 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 reported on their activities (GRE-88-15-Rev.1) and presented their new proposal that add the park condition of a vehicle in the scope of UN Regulation No. 48 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/2). Following an in-depth consideration, GRE adopted the technical content as laid down in GRE-88-16-Rev.3.

20. The expert from OICA proposed to prolong the transitional provisions for the 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (GRE-88-22-Rev.3 and GRE-88-23-Rev.2). As a compromise, GRE adopted the transitional provisions as contained in annex II to the session report.

21. The Chair summarized that the following draft amendments were adopted at this session and would become part of the draft 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48:

  1. Headlamp levelling (paragraph 8 above);
  2. Device transition (paragraph 11);
  3. Park condition (paragraph 19);
  4. Manoeuvring lamps on trailers (paragraph 16);
  5. Visibility of red light towards the front and/or white light toward the rear (paragraph 18); and
  6. Transitional provisions (paragraph 20).

22. GRE decided to submit the above proposals for consideration and vote at the March 2024 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as a new 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48. At its next session in October 2023, GRE agreed to editorially confirm these proposals without modifying their substantial content and requirements. To this end, GRE suggested that a consolidated text of the draft 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 be prepared.

23. The expert from OICA proposed to allow logos smaller than 5 cm2 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/10). A number of experts from contracting parties delivered critical remarks and were not in a position to support the proposal.

24. The expert from GTB introduced a proposal that allows a road projection pattern for predicted trajectory (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/7). The expert from France proposed modifying the speed limit, in conjunction with ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/8 (see the next paragraph). The expert from Japan sought a proof that this pattern would not negatively affect other road users. The Chair invited GTB to liaise with Japan on this matter.

25. The expert from GTB proposed amendments that extend the possibility to project driver assistance symbols and patterns to the passing-beam headlamps of adaptive front-lighting systems (AFS). These amendments were accompanied by a corresponding amendment to UN Regulation No. 149 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/8 and GRE-88-25-Rev.1). GRE adopted the proposals, as laid down in GRE-88-25-Rev.1, and requested the secretariat to submit them for consideration and vote at the November 2023 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 149, part of draft Supplement 19 to the 06 series of amendments, part of draft Supplement 6 to the 07 series of amendments and part of draft Supplement 4 to the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48.

26. The expert of the Task Force on Autonomous Vehicle Signalling Requirements (TF AVSR) submitted draft amendments that aimed to introduce vehicles with automated driving features or an Automated Driving System (ADS) in UN Regulation No. 48 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/9). Experts pointed out a number of issues that would need further consideration, in particular the introduction of two new definitions (in square brackets). GRE requested TF AVSR to present the proposals to the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) with a view to ensuring compatibility of definitions.

27. The expert from Australia wondered whether or not UN Regulation No. 48 allows for the fitment of lamps other than those that are listed as mandatory or optional in the Regulation, or that meet the definition of an external status indicator, for example, low intensity lamps, lamps for emergency service vehicles, and/or other types of status indicators (GRE-88-14). The expert from the Netherlands expressed the view that the fitment of such lamps should not be allowed (“not mentioned, not fitted”). The Chair recalled that UN Regulation No. 48 does not contain provisions on some lamps for which installation requirements falls within the competence of national legislation of contracting parties, for example, special warning lamps under UN Regulation No. 65. The expert from Australia pointed out that he would continue off-line consultations on this issue.

GRE-88-05 AVSR task force progress report
GRE-88-14 UN R48: Questions on interpretation (Australia)
GRE-88-15/Rev.1 UN R48 09 series special interest group status report to GRE
GRE-88-16/Rev.3 UN R48: Proposal for a 09 series of amendments
GRE-88-17 UN R48: Proposal for Supplements to the 03 through 08 series of amendments (OICA)
GRE-88-18 UN R48: Proposal for a Supplement to 09 series of amendments (OICA)
GRE-88-22/Rev.3 UN R48: Proposal for Transitional Provisions for the draft 09 series of amendments (OICA)
GRE-88-23/Rev.2 1958 Agreement: Overview of transitional provisions (OICA)
GRE-88-24 UN R48: Revised proposal for a new series of amendments (CLCCR)
GRE-88-25/Rev.1 UN R48 and R149: Proposal to supersede document GRE/2023/8 (GTB)
GRE-88-27 UN R48: Proposal for a 09 series of amendments
GRE/2020/8/Rev.3 UN R48: Proposal for a new [09] series of amendments
GRE/2022/25/Rev.1 UN R48: Proposal for a new series of amendments (CLCCR)
GRE/2023/2 UN R48: Proposal for a new series of amendments
GRE/2023/7 UN R48: Proposal for a Supplement to the 06, 07 and 08 series of amendments (GTB)
GRE/2023/8 Proposal for a Supplement to the 06, 07 and 08 series of UN R48 and the 01 series of UN R149 (GTB)
GRE/2023/9 UN R48: Proposal for a Supplement
GRE/2023/10 UN R48: Proposal for a Supplement to the 06, 07 and 08 series of amendments (OICA)