Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 87 | 10-13 Jan 2023
Agenda Item 3. (a)
UN Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101, 103, and 154

12. The representative from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/10, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/11 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/12, which content had already been discussed in previous sessions of GRPE. GRPE agreed with the content of the proposal.

13. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-87-13-Rev.2. The representative from the Netherlands sought clarification on the modifications provided in the revision of this document. The representative from OICA clarified the justification had been improved. The representative from Japan suggested to add the word “coolant” between the words “engine temperature” for better clarity. GRPE agreed with the content of the proposal.

14. GRPE adopted GRPE-87-13-Rev.2 as reflected in Annex IV to the session and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new supplement to the 05 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 83.

15. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/10 and GRPE-87-13-Rev.2, as combined in Annex V to the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new supplement to the 06 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 83.

16. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/10 and GRPE-87-13-Rev.2, as combined in Annex VI to the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new supplement to the 07 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 respectively.

17. The representative from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/13 which content had already been discussed in previous sessions of GRPE. GRPE agreed with the content of the proposal. The representative from Germany supported an adoption of this proposal during this session of GRPE.

18. The representative from France introduced GRPE-87-07-Rev.1. The representative of the UK supported the proposal pending a slight improvement as reflected in a revised version of the original document. The representatives from Germany, Italy and OICA supported the revised proposal.

19. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/13 and GRPE-87-07-Rev.1, as combined in Annex VII to the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new supplement to the 01 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 101.

20. GRPE adopted GRPE-87-07-Rev.1 as reflected in Annex VIII to the session report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new supplement to the 03 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 24.

21. The following paragraphs concern proposals to amend UN Regulation No. 154.

22. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-87-14-Rev.1. The representative from Japan suggested to add the word “coolant” between the words “engine temperature” for better clarity. GRPE agreed with the content of the proposal.

23. The representative from France introduced GRPE-87-06. GRPE agreed with the content of the proposal.

24. The representative from Japan introduced GRPE-87-17, GRPE-87-18 and GRPE-87-19. He proposed to delay the adoption of those proposals to better scrutinize the content of the proposals. The representatives from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the European Commission supported the proposed approach from Japan and to discuss the proposals in an ad-hoc group. The representative from OICA also supported such delay as detailed in GRPE-87-15.

25. The representative from the European Commission introduced GRPE-87-27 and GRPE-87-28. The representative from OICA added that the revised rolling resistance values were expected to have no influence on existing approvals, highlighting that contracting parties would likely require to add more rows to the relevant table. The representative from France highlighted that revised rolling resistance coefficients defined in UN Regulation No. 117 had recently been adopted by GRBP, with an entry into force expected in July 2024. She added a revision of UN Regulation No.154 was likely be needed in the future to reflect those changes when entered into force. The representative from the European Commission requested to hold some bilateral discussions with France to clarify the matter. GRPE agreed to have more time to scrutinize GRPE-87-27 and GRPE-87-28.

26. The representative from Australia introduced GRPE-87-33. The representative from the UK highlighted there might be a confusion between approval number and approval marking. The representative from Australia said consistency might be desired between approval numbering and marking. The GRPE ambassador to IWGs on IWVTA and DETA agreed with the representative from the UK and recalled the analysis done previously that also highlighted widespread inconstancy across GRs between approval numbering and approval marking. He added that IWGs on IWVTA and DETA were dealing with this topic and requested some more time before coming up with a proposal to potentially solve these issues.

27. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-87-11. The representative from Japan recalled some experience with misuse of this annex and added that such proposal would be difficult for Japan to accept for the time being, and said he remained open for further discussions on the topic. The representative from the European Commission suggested a way forward light be to add these proposed changes only in the Level 2. GRPE agreed additional time was needed to consider this proposal.

28. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-87-12. The representative from the European Commission supported the proposal. GRPE agreed with the content of the proposal.

29. For all proposals related to UN Regulation No. 154, GRPE agreed to wait until the next session of GRPE to submit them to WP.29, as reflected in GRPE-87-56-Rev.1.

30. The representative from the European Commission introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/2, GRPE-87-26-Rev.1 and GRPE-87-43 related to the new 08 series of amendments to UN regulation No. 83. With this new series of amendments it will be equivalent to the European emission level Euro 6e. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-87-10 and requested additional time to scrutinize GRPE-87-26-Rev.1. The representative from the UK highlighted the importance of this proposal for their regulatory framework and hoped for a final proposal to be adopted during this session of GRPE.

31. Following additional improvements made during the session, as reflected in GRPE-87-26-Rev.1, the representatives from OICA reiterated some concerns about the complexity of the proposal and the potential misunderstandings that could remain in the proposal. Under the assumption that on-going evolution of the document would be possible in the future, He supported the adoption of the proposal. The representatives from Italy and the UK thanked all involved parties for the improvements made to the text during the week and supported the proposal. GRPE adopted GRPE-87-26-Rev.1.

32. The representative from the Clean Air Association introduced GRPE-87-25. The Chair wondered why the representative from CAA did not propose to amend UN regulation No. 154, as the definition of defeat devices was moved there to avoid duplication. The representative from CAA stipulated they initially focus their effort on UN Regulation No. 83. The representative from OICA concurred with the Chair that the definition had been removed from UN Regulation No. 83 to have it in UN regulation No. 154.

33. The representative from the EC confirmed the intention was to make UN Regulation No. 83 as tight as possible, and said that given national litigation still on-going, the European Commission had no mandate to amend this definition. The Chair agreed the timing to make this proposal does not fit some national circumstances.

34. The representative from CAA said the intention of this proposal was to address contracting parties outside of the EU in the spirit of harmonization. GRPE rejected the proposal from the representative from the CAA.

35. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/2 as amended by GRPE-87-26-Rev.1, as reflected in Addendum 1, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new 08 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 83.

GRPE/87/Add.1 UN R83: Proposal for a new 08 series of amendments as approved by GRPE
GRPE-87-06 UN R154: Proposal for a new supplement to the 02 to 03 series of amendments (France)
GRPE-87-07/Rev.1 UN R24 and UN R101: Proposal for new supplements (France)
GRPE-87-10 UN R83: Comments on the proposed 08 series (GRPE/2023/2) (OICA)
GRPE-87-11 UN R154: Annex B9 for Level 1B and Level 2-Proposal for alternative methods (OICA)
GRPE-87-12 UN R154: Reference fuels and diesel cloud point (OICA)
GRPE-87-13/Rev.2 UN R83: Proposal for additional content in GRPE/2023/10 (OICA)
GRPE-87-14/Rev.1 UN R154: Proposal for additional content in GRPE/2023/12 (OICA)
GRPE-87-15 Input on UN R154 and GTR 15 (OICA)
GRPE-87-17 UN R154: Proposal to amend the 02 series of amendments (Japan)
GRPE-87-18 UN R154: Proposal for amendments to the 03 series of amendments (Japan)
GRPE-87-19 UN R154: Summary of proposals for amendments to the 02 and 03 series of amendments (Japan)
GRPE-87-25 UN R83: Proposal to amend GRPE/2023/2 (CAA)
GRPE-87-26/Rev.1 UN R83: Proposal to amend document GRPE/2023/2 (EC)
GRPE-87-27 UN R154: Proposal for a new Supplement to 02 series of amendments (EC)
GRPE-87-28 UN R154: Proposal for a new Supplement to the 03 series of amendments (EC)
GRPE-87-33 UN R154: Proposal for a Supplement to address inconsistencies across the series of amendments (Australia)
GRPE-87-43 UN R83: Information supporting GRPE/2023/2 and GRPE-87-26 (EC)
GRPE-87-48 UN R154: Responses to subject raised in GRPE-87-19 (EC)
GRPE-87-56/Rev.1 GRPE: Adoption status of proposals
GRPE/2023/2 UN R83: Proposal for a new 08 series of amendments (EC)
GRPE/2023/10 UN R83: Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 and 07 series of amendments (OICA)
GRPE/2023/11 UN R101: Proposal for a new Supplement to the 01 series of amendments (OICA)
GRPE/2023/12 UN R154: Proposal for a new Supplement to the 00, 01, 02 and 03 series of amendments (OICA)
GRPE/2023/13 UN R101: Proposal for a new Supplement to the 01 series of amendments (OICA)