Emissions and Energy
A-LCA Automotive Life Cycle Assessment 2024
A-LCA-SG1 A-LCA Subgroup 1: Overarching Aspects of Life Cycle Assessments 2024
A-LCA-SG2 A-LCA Subgroup 2: Material & Material Recycling 2024
A-LCA-SG3 A-LCA Subgroup 3: Production 2024
A-LCA-SG4 A-LCA Subgroup 4: Use Phase 2024
A-LCA-SG5 A-LCA Subgroup 5: End of Life 2024
A-LCA-SG6 A-LCA Subgroup 6: Fuel and Energy Cycle 2024
A-LCA-SG7 A-LCA Subgroup 7: Drafting
BETF PMP Task Force 2-Brake Dust Sampling and Measurement 2021
DUR EPPR L-Category Pollution Controls Durability 2021
EPPR Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L-category Vehicles 2024
EVE Electric Vehicles and the Environment 2024
EVSTF Electric Vehicle Safety Task Forces 2016
FQ Informal Working Group on Fuel Quality 2010
GFV Informal Group on Gaseous Fueled Vehicles 2016
GRPE Working Party on Pollution and Energy 2025
HDDF Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Task Force 2014
HDH Informal Group on Heavy-Duty Hybrids 2016
HDH-DG Heavy-Duty Hybrids GTR Drafting Group 2014
LTTF WLTP Low Temperature Task Force 2020
MACTP Mobile Air-Conditioning Test Procedure Informal Group 2012
OBD2CG Motorcycle On-Board Diagnostics II Correspondence Group 2021
PMP Particle Measurement Programme 2024
PTI Periodical Technical Inspections 2024
RDE Informal Working Group on Real Driving Emissions 2021
REC Informal Working Group on Retrofit Emission Control Devices 2014
SPDGTR System Power Determination GTR Drafting Group 2018
TFCoP WLTP Task Force on Conformity of Production 2019
VIAQ Vehicle Interior Air Quality 2024
VPSD Informal Working Group on Vehicle Propulsion System Definitions 2015
WLTP Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure 2020
WLTP-DHC Informal Subgroup on the Development of the Harmonized driving Cycle 2013
WLTP-DTP Informal Subgroup on the Development of the WLTP Test Procedure 2013
WLTP-DTP-AP WLTP-DTP Subgroup on Additional Pollutants 2011
WLTP-DTP-E-Lab WLTP Subgroup on Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Requirements 2012
WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE WLTP-DTP Subgroup on Lab Process-Internal Combustion Engines 2011
WLTP-DTP-PMPN WLTP-DTP Subgroup on PM and PN Measurement 2010
WLTP-OBD WLTP OBD Task Force 2020
WLTP-SG-Drafting WLTP Drafting Subgroup 2015
WLTP-SG-EV WLTP Subgroup on Electrified Vehicles 2020
WLTP-TTF WLTP Transposition Task Force 2020
eHDV eHDV battery durability drafting group 2023