Regulation No. 55

17. The Chair of the IWG on the Agricultural Coupling Devices and Components reported on the activities of the group (GRRF-86-06) and presented GRRF-86-02, introducing ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/4 with a draft Regulation on the Agricultural Coupling. GRRF received information on the texts of para. 4.5.

18. GRRF agreed that the stress weld limit should be qualified as absolute. It adopted the document and requested the secretariat make the necessary change and to submit the proposal as new draft UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of mechanical coupling components of combinations of agricultural vehicles to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2018 sessions.

GRRF-86-02 | Agricultural vehicle couplings: Introduction of the proposed new regulation
GRRF-86-06 | Status report of the ACDC informal group
GRRF/2018/4 | Proposal for a new Regulation on agricultural vehicle couplings

19. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRRF-86-03 proposing a Corrigendum to UN Regulation No. 55. GRRF invited the expert from CLEPA to submit a revised proposal for consideration at the September 2018 session.

GRRF-86-03 | UN R55: Proposal for amendments

20. The expert from Poland introduced GRRF-86-34 proposing a clarification of item 9.3 in Annex 1 to UN Regulation No. 55. GRRF requested the secretariat to distribute this proposal with an official symbol at its September 2018 session.

GRRF-86-34 | UN R55: Draft proposal for a new supplement to the 01 series of amendments