Annex 1 of UN R55 concerns the type approval communication form. Item 9.3. requires information “For Class A mechanical coupling devices or components, including towing brackets”. Poland proposes to add “if applicable” to the description in order to avoid interpretations that brackets must be part of the approval (i.e., the approval may concern the coupling ball without additional attachments).
28. The expert from Poland presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/11 clarifying the application of the provisions in Annex 1 of the UN Regulation. GRSG noted a number of comments. The expert from EC raised a study reservation. The Chair invited the expert from Poland to revise his proposal and to insert some concrete examples into the justification. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session.
61. The expert from Poland introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/11. GRVA agreed that this proposal should be reviewed by the Working Party on General Safety Provisions.
20. The expert from Poland introduced GRRF-86-34 proposing a clarification of item 9.3 in Annex 1 to UN Regulation No. 55. GRRF requested the secretariat to distribute this proposal with an official symbol at its September 2018 session.
GRRF-86-34 |