Contracting Party (1958 Agreement)
20 January 2016 Belgian comments on the draft amendment to UN R79 to enable approval of automated steering (Belgium) ACSF-05-09
ACSF-05-09 2016-01-20
11 February 2016 Proposal for amendment to Regulation No. 107 (Belgium) GRSG/2016/5
GRSG/2016/5 2016-02-11
1 March 2016 Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 100 (Belgium) GRSP/2016/7
GRSP/2016/7 2016-03-01
15 April 2016 Proposal for amendments to UN R79 based on Consolidated Document ACSF-05-16 (Belgium and France) ACSF-06-10
ACSF-06-10 2016-04-15
12 October 2016 Detailed analysis on the compatibility or incompatibility of the scopes and technical provisions for trolleybuses of UN Regulations Nos. 100 and 107 (Belgium) GRSG-111-21
GRSG-111-21 2016-10-12