European Union
Contracting Party (1958, 1998 Agreements)
UN Regulations
(Application per terms of 1958 Agreement accession)
| Latest | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7 January 2016 Authorization to develop Phase 2 of UN Global Technical Regulation No. 15 (EU and Japan)
WP.29/2016/29 2016-01-07
7 January 2016 Fourth progress report of the Informal Working Group on Electric Vehicle Safety (China, EU, Japan, and USA)
WP.29/2016/30 2016-01-07
6 March 2016 Request for authorization to develop an amendment to global technical regulation No. 1 (EU)
WP.29-168-10 2016-03-06
6 March 2016 Phase 3 mandate for the Informal working group on Worldwide harmonized Light duty Test Procedure (EU)
WP.29-168-11 2016-03-06
24 March 2016 Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83 (EU)
GRPE/2016/11 2016-03-24
8 March 2016 Trilateral White Paper - Improvement in the Implementation of the 1998 Global Agreement (EU, Japan, and USA)
WP.29-168-08 2016-03-08
14 April 2016 Proposal for new Special Resolution No. 2 (S.R.2) - Improvement in the implementation of the 1998 Global Agreement (USA, EU, and Japan)
WP.29/2016/65 2016-04-14
15 April 2016 Request for authorization to develop amendment 2 to UN GTR No. 1 (EU)
WP.29/2016/72 2016-04-15
15 April 2016 Request for authorization to develop Phase 2 of UN Global Technical Regulation No. 15 (EU and Japan)
WP.29/2016/73 2016-04-15
30 May 2016 Proposal for the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 16 (EU, France, Japan, and Korea)
GRSP-59-06/Rev.2 2016-05-30
7 October 2016 EVS Task Force 1 (Protection against Water): Final draft text for the electric vehicle safety GTR (EU)
EVS-13-03-102 2016-10-07
9 November 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Cell/Module/System Test Requirements): Agreed proposal on the thermal runaway test procedure (Canada, EU, OICA, and USA)
EVS-13-07-501 2016-11-09
9 November 2016 EVS Task Force 1 (Protection against Water): Updated draft text for the electric vehicle safety GTR (EU)
EVS-13-08-103 2016-11-09