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Tyre noise data: C1 tyres 175-245 mm width
Document GRB-59-11
30 January 2014
Submitted by ETRTO
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
16. | Other business
16. (b) | Exchange of views for the future programme of work of GRB

35. At Chair’s invitation, GRB had a brief exchange of views on issues which should be included in the future work of GRB. The expert from ISO pointed out that, to update the test methods set out in UN Regulations Nos. 41 and 51, the following ISO activities may be relevant: revisiting ISO 362-1:2007, development of part III of this standard with a specification how to perform tests in indoor facilities and updating the requirements on the noise test track from ISO 10844:1994 to ISO 10844:2011. The expert from France mentioned UN Regulation No. 51, ASEP, QRTV, ongoing technological improvements, indoor approvals, addressing sirens (ambulances, etc.) in UN Regulation No. 28, noise pollution caused by loading and unloading of deliveries in cities. The expert from the Netherlands presented a graph (GRB-59-11) showing a general improvement in tyre noise data for C1 tyres in 2007-2013 and informed GRB about his intention to bring similar graphs for C2 and C3 tyres for the attention of GRB at its next session, with the aim to study if the current noise limits for tyres can be further reduced. With support from the experts from EC and OICA, he also suggested studying the correspondence between the labelling system on tyres and their actual performance. The expert from Switzerland was of the opinion that noise pollution, its benchmarking and new technologies emerging on the market should be looked at. The expert from ERTRO proposed to address the issue of road surfaces, as the third main contributor to noise pollution after vehicles and tyres. However, the Chair and the expert from EC pointed out that this issue is very complex and it goes beyond the competence of GRB and type approvals. The expert of EC proposed to revisit the noise emission of agricultural vehicles and update the underlying test methods which had been developed 40 years ago.

Relates to UN R117 |