Proposal to clarify the transitional provisions of the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46, including provisions for extensions to approvals to the 04 series of amendments, for approval of devices to the 02 series, and provisions for aftermarket devices. It assumes approval of document GRSG/2013/18 on the 03 series transition provisions.
28. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/18 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/19 clarifying the transitional provisions of the 03 series and the 04 series of amendments, respectively, to UN Regulation No. 46. GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/19, as amended below, and requested the secretariat to submit the amendments to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their March 2014 sessions as part (see para. 27 above) of draft Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 46.
New paragraph 21.18., amend to read:
“21.18. | Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 21.2., 21.4., 21.5., 21.13. and 21.15. above, for the purpose of replacement parts, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall continue to grant approvals according to the 01 series of amendments to this Regulation, to devices for indirect vision of classes I to V for use on vehicle types which have been approved before 26 January 2006 pursuant to the 01 series of amendments of Regulation No. 46 and, where applicable, subsequent extensions to these approvals.” |
29. The expert from OICA introduced GRSG-104-25 and GRSG-104-26 clarifying the transitional provisions of the 03 series and the 04 series of amendments, respectively, to UN Regulation No. 46. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session and invited the secretariat to distribute GRSG-104-25 and GRSG-104-26 with an official symbol (in two different parts).
GRSG-104-26 |