94. The Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI informed the World Forum on the consultations of WP.29 subsidiary bodies on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/145. He noted that the representative of CLEPA submitted informal document WP.29-188-24, proposing amendments to the official document.
95. The representative of Sweden mentioned main principles included in the document. He inquired about the practical implications in terms of implementation of these principles and way to operationalize them.
96. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland noted the potential implications of the document. He sought clarification on the purpose of the document, in particular whether it related to those undertaking PTI or to vehicle owners/users. He recommended to clarify who would be addressed by the document.
97. The representative of France supported the views expressed by the representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He mentioned the WP.29 deliverables already addressing different phases of vehicle lifecycles. He emphasised the importance clarifying methodologies with this regard.
98. The representative of the European Union proposed to postpone the vote on this document to facilitate coordination among the Member States of the European Union and allow for verification of the implications.
99. The representative of CLEPA introduced WP.29-188-24, proposing to insert a subparagraph under paragraph 8 of the official document considered under this item and highlighted some other principles.
100. The representative of the Netherlands proposed that IWG on PTI should review the proposal tabled by the representative of CLEPA and bring the outcome of the discussion back to WP.29 in March 2023. He continued that all comments provided during the session were true, that many WP.29 deliverables already addressed different phases of the vehicle lifecycles. He highlighted the merit of the proposal for a Vehicle Whole Life Compliance framework to streamline contracting parties’ efforts with this regard. He supported the proposal of the representative of the European Union.
101. The representative of OICA confirmed that the draft framework document continues to raise questions as to its implications and supported the statements by UK and France.
102. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI, recalled that the document had been reviewed by all the WP.29 subsidiary bodies and that he did not see any new matter that had not been previously discussed by the IWG on PTI. He recommended the adoption of the document. He gave a positive initial assessment of the proposal tabled by the representative of CLEPA and suggested further review of it.
103. WP.29 recommended the IWG on PTI to consider the input received, to review WP.29-188-24 and agreed to resume consideration of this agenda item at its March 2023 session.
WP.29/2022/145 |