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UN GTR: Request for authorisation to develop regulation on brake PM and PN emissions of all types of LDV's brake systems
Document GRPE-83-11
31 May 2021
Submitted by EC, Japan, and UK
Status: Approved by GR
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)

35. The representatives from Japan, the UK and the EC introduced GRPE-83-11 as a request for authorization to develop a new UN GTR No. [XX] on brake PM and PN emissions. The representative from the US asked, given the ambitious timeline, if a PM/PN measurement procedure was already close to finalization. The representative from EC, leading the activities on non-exhaust emissions, clarified that rig test procedure was well advanced and added some issues such as regenerative braking, extreme brake events, were still being considered by the group.

36. GRPE requested the secretariat to submit GRPE-83-11, as reproduced in Annex XII to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration and vote at their November 2021 sessions as request for authorization to develop a new UN GTR No. [XX] on brake PM and PN emissions.

Relates to PMP |