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Draft report of the 32nd DETA informal group session
Document WP.29-175-16
18 June 2018
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

72. The representative of the European Union, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented the informal document WP.29-175-16 detailing the state of play of the development of DETA. She requested an update by the secretariat on actions taken for the financing of DETA under the ECE regular budget. She added that the IWG on DETA was initiating a pilot project in August 2018. So far, six institutions have volunteered to participate in the pilot project, and the IWG was willing to welcome more volunteers to test the functioning of DETA.

73. The WP.29 Secretary referred to the new United Nations budget process (informal document WP.29-175-26). The hosting and maintenance costs of DETA had been added under Part III of the draft ECE budget proposal for 2020, and would follow the internal procedure within ECE and at United Nations Headquarters leading to a general assembly resolution.

74. WP.29 welcomed that OICA and CITA, respectively, would contribute to the development of the Unique Identifier and Declaration of Conformance modules and would act as contractor vis-à-vis the software provider.

75. The representative of ETRTO stated that he would also contribute on the condition that DETA would be migrated to the United Nations servers by 2020.

76. The representative of CLEPA clarified that he would also contribute once DETA would be on United Nations servers.

77. The representative of the European Union requested a better coordination of funders to make DETA a reality in the short term. In this context, the secretariat reiterated that contribution from contracting parties would also be welcomed.

78. The representative of the Russian Federation expressed his interest of being involved in the testing of the DETA system. The importance of the activity in testing the DETA system was also conditioned by the present work for the soon planned start of the electronic Whole Vehicle Type Approval (WVTA) in the Russian Federation.

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