World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 184 | 22-24 Jun 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 14.2.1.
Proposal for Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian protection)

135. AC.3 noted that the proposal under this agenda item had been withdrawn.

WP.29/1157/Add.1 GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision (EC)
WP.29/1157/Add.2 GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision (USA)
WP.29/2021/53 GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3
WP.29/2021/54 GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3
WP.29/2021/83 GTR 9: Proposal to revise the authorization to develop amendments (USA)
WP.29/1158/Add.1 WP.29: Changes to the provisional agenda for the 184th (June 2021) session