GRVA may wish to review a proposal for an interpretation document regarding the UN Regulation on Software Updates and Software Updates Management System.
GRVA may wish to consider additional proposals regarding UN R156.
Proposal for amendments to UN R156 and UN R157 (France)
Proposal for amendments to UN R156 and UN R157
Under the initial ALKS regulation and its reference to the new cyber security requlation, manufacturers are permitted to use an alternative software identification system instead of the proposed RxSWIN format. This proposal seeks to clarify the use of such alternative identifications in the approval process.
RE3: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/29 (CITA)
RE3: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/29
Proposal to ensure that the information provided regarding software updates is accessible for use in type approval, conformity of production, market surveillance, recalls and Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI).
RE3: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2020/29 (tracked version)
RE3: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2020/29 (tracked version)
Proposal to clarify the explanation of the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN R156 (software updates and software updates management systems) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
RE3: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/29 (clean version)
RE3: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/29 (clean version)
Proposal to clarify the explanation of the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN R156 (software updates and software updates management systems) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
RE3: Proposal to add a section on the interpretation of the UN Regulation on Software Updates
RE3: Proposal to add a section on the interpretation of the UN Regulation on Software Updates
The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.