Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 7 | 21-25 Sep 2020
Web conference
Agenda Item 5. (b)
Software updates and Over-the-Air issues

32. The expert from UK, Co-Chair of the IWG on CS/OTA, introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/29, proposing guidance on how to interpret UN Regulation No. [156] (Software Updates and Software Updates Management Systems). He answered to the question raised by the expert from Spain on the reference to ISO 9001 in the document, which is a very general quality standard.

33. The expert from CITA introduced GRVA-07-44, aimed at clarifying the interpretation of para. GRVA did not support the proposal as it was agreed that the interpretation document should not indirectly introduce additional requirements to the Regulation. GRVA offered the expert of CITA to further discuss the idea proposed in the document at the IWG level.

34. GRVA endorsed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/29 as amended by GRVA-07-50 (see Annex IV of the session report) and recommended its adoption by WP.29 at its November 2020 session. (GRVA noted the submission by the IWG of GRVA-07-51, which is content-wise identical with GRVA-07-50 but with a different format).

35. The expert from France introduced GRVA-07-37, aimed to clarify the requirements for manufacturers using an alternative software numbering system differing from the Regulation No. x Software Identification Number (RxSWIN) one. GRVA welcomed the proposal.

36. GRVA agreed to resume discussion on GRVA-07-37 on the basis of a revised document, distributed with an official symbol at its February 2021 session.

GRVA-07-37 Proposal for amendments to UN R156 and UN R157 (France)
GRVA-07-44 RE3: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/29 (CITA)
GRVA-07-49 Status report of the Cyber Security and Software Updates informal working group
GRVA-07-50 RE3: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2020/29 (tracked version)
GRVA-07-51 RE3: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/29 (clean version)
GRVA-07-76 GRVA: List of decisions taken during the 7th (September 2020) session under the silence procedure
GRVA/2020/29 RE3: Proposal to add a section on the interpretation of the UN Regulation on Software Updates