Working Party on General Safety | Session 114 | 9-13 Apr 2018

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this session is 12 January 2018. At this session, GRSG is expected to consider forming a new informal working group to develop fire risk reduction requirements for M2/M3 vehicles.

Agenda Item 3.
Regulation No. 34 (Prevention of fire risks)

10. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2018/4 to clarify and to align, in the three languages, the provisions of UN Regulation No. 34 on the protection of the tank in a collision. GRSG noted a number of comments.

11. Following discussions, GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2018/4 as reproduced in Annex III to this report. The secretariat was requested to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 6 to the 02 series of amendments and as draft Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 34 for consideration at their November 2018 sessions.

GRSG/2018/4 UN R34: Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 02 series of amendments and for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments (France)