UN R79: Proposal for amendments (Germany and Korea)
UN R79: Proposal for amendments
Proposal from Germany and the Republic of Korea to resolve measurement concerns in the test requirements for ACSF of Category B1 and C. The proposal addresses issues identified in Annex 8, improves reproducibility and robustness of the procedures, fills in gaps in the test cases, and provides additional details on measuring equipment and test execution.
UN R79: Proposal for amendments to GRRF/2018/10 (OICA)
UN R79: Proposal for amendments to GRRF/2018/10
Proposal of amendments to the proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of Remote Control Manoeuvring (RCM) systems, defined as driver-actuated systems on off-road vehicles used for navigating exceptionally difficult terrain. OICA seeks to cover remote control applications for low speed manoeuvring not addressed in the original UK proposal.
Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 79 (UK)
Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 79
Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of Remote Control Manoeuvring (RCM) systems, defined as driver-actuated systems on off-road vehicles used for navigating exceptionally difficult terrain. This proposal seeks to permit remote manoeuvring capability provided that the vehicle is designed to operate off-road and the off-road location is confirmed throughout the whole period that the function is in use.