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Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 79
Document GRRF/2018/10
1 December 2017

Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of Remote Control Manoeuvring (RCM) systems, defined as driver-actuated systems on off-road vehicles used for navigating exceptionally difficult terrain. This proposal seeks to permit remote manoeuvring capability provided that the vehicle is designed to operate off-road and the off-road location is confirmed throughout the whole period that the function is in use.

Submitted by UK
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
10. | UN Regulation No. 79

52. The expert from UK mentioned the work done on provisions for Remote Controlled Manoeuvring (RCM) as in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2018/3 amended by GRVA-01-26. He informed GRVA that he informally consulted GRVA experts and that further work could be needed. GRVA agreed with his proposal to resume consideration of this proposal or consider a revised consolidated proposal at the January 2019 session of GRVA.

9. (a) | Steering equipment: Regulation No. 79

45. The expert from UK introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/10, proposing to include provisions applicable for Remote Control Manoeuvring (RCM) in UN Regulation No. 79. GRRF welcomed the proposal, noting that some vehicles were already delivered with this feature. GRRF agreed to insert provisions on RCM in UN Regulation No. 79. The proposal received a number of comments from Contracting Parties and from OICA, as reflected in GRRF-86-15.

46. The expert from UK volunteered to submit a revised proposal for consideration at the September 2018 session of GRRF and invited interested experts to contribute to this work stream.

9. (b) | Steering equipment: Automatically Commanded Steering Function

51. The expert from UK introduced GRRF-84-09 proposing to include provisions applicable for Remote Control Manoeuvring (RCM). GRRF requested the secretariat to distribute this document with an official symbol for the February 2018 session of GRRF.

9. (d) | Steering equipment: Other business
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