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UN R79: Proposal for amendments
Document GRRF-86-13
6 February 2018

Proposal from Germany and the Republic of Korea to resolve measurement concerns in the test requirements for ACSF of Category B1 and C. The proposal addresses issues identified in Annex 8, improves reproducibility and robustness of the procedures, fills in gaps in the test cases, and provides additional details on measuring equipment and test execution.

Submitted by Germany and Korea
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (d) Automatically Commanded Steering Function

35. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2019/9 based on GRRF-86-13 proposing clarifications of the Annex 8 testing provisions. The proposal received some comments from Japan, France, Germany and OICA. The expert from France agreed with the suggestion of GRVA to submit a revised proposal with more data for consideration at the September 2019 session. The experts from Japan, Germany and OICA were invited to share with GRVA their test data, supporting their positions.

6. (d) Automatically Commanded Steering Function
6. (e) Complex Electronic (CEL) control system requirements
10. UN Regulation No. 79

53. The expert from France introduced GRVA-01-38 (based on GRRF-86-13) addressing the accuracy of interpretation of data produced during system assessment. The expert from Germany welcomed the document and proposed to consider the filtering provisions together with the tolerances. Other experts welcomed the document and agreed to study it until the next session. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this item at its January 2019 session.

3.5.4. Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (Eighty-fifth session, 11 December 2017 and Eighty-sixth session, 12-16 February 2018)

57. The GRRF chair mentioned that document ECE/TRANS/WP29/2018/35 would still contain square brackets. WP.29 agreed to remove the square brackets and to agree on transitional provision dates (as reflected in para. 92).

4.7. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRRF

92. In ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/35, paragraphs 2.1.4., amend to read:

12.2.2.As from 1 September 2019, Contracting Parties applying this UN Regulation shall not be obliged to accept UN type approvals to the preceding series (02) of amendments, first issued after 1 September 2019.
12.2.3.Until 1 September 2021, Contracting Parties applying this UN Regulation shall continue to accept UN type approvals to the preceding series (02) of amendments to the UN Regulation, first issued before 1 September 2019.
12.2.4.As from 1 September 2021, Contracting Parties applying this UN Regulation shall not be obliged to accept type approval issued to the preceding series of amendments to this UN Regulation.

93. WP.29 noted the concern raised by the representative of OICA on the selection of an early date of application for the transitional provisions in paragraphs 12.2.3. and 12.2.4., which could create serious development difficulties, due to the introduction of new requirements compared to the very recently adopted 02 series of amendments, while vehicles are currently under development for the latter.

4.7.8. Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
9. (a) Steering equipment: Regulation No. 79
9. (b) Steering equipment: Automatically Commanded Steering Function

48. The expert from Germany presented GRRF-86-13 tabled by the experts from Germany and from the Republic of Korea with a proposal for amendments to the ACSF testing provisions in Annex 8 of UN Regulation No. 79, based on the first experience gathered since the 02 series of amendments of UN Regulation No. 79 entered into force. GRRF welcomed the proposal and provided comments. The experts from Germany and the Republic of Korea volunteered to prepare a revised proposal aimed to avoid prescriptive requirements on the measurement instruments and providing more detailed justification e.g. on the sample rate and the filtering of the lateral acceleration data.

9. (c) Steering equipment: Complex Electronic (CEL) control system requirements
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