Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 84 | 19-22 Sep 2017
The deadline for the submission of official working documents to this session is 26 June 2017.
Agenda Item 9. (c)
Steering equipment: Complex Electronic (CEL) control system requirements

54. The expert from UK introduced GRRF-84-14 proposing amendments to the requirements in Annex 6 (Complex Electric control systems). GRRF reviewed in detail the proposal and requested the secretariat to include the amended proposal in the consolidated document GRRF-84-36 and ECE/TRANS/WP.19/GRRF/2017/27.

GRRF-84-14 Proposal for amendments to Annex 6 to Regulation No. 79
GRRF-84-19 Proposal for revised ToR and RoP for the IWG on ACSF
GRRF-84-36 Draft consolidated amendments to Regulation No. 79
GRRF-84-39 Adopted amendments to GRRF/2017/23 (UN R13, 13-H, 140)
GRRF/2017/27 Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 79