Korea proposal of amendments to the draft corrective steering amendment to UN R79 (GRRF-82-12/Rev.3) (Korea)
Korea proposal of amendments to the draft corrective steering amendment to UN R79 (GRRF-82-12/Rev.3)
Proposal to exempt automated parking systems from the draft requirement for tactile signals on the steering control. In a parking maneuver, the driver does not hold the steering wheel.
Consolidated revision of the ACSF amendment to UN R79
Consolidated revision of the ACSF amendment to UN R79
Complete revised test of the “corrective steering” amendment to UN R79 (GRRF-82-12/Rev.3) as agreed during the 9th ACSF informal group session (for eventual approval by GRRF during its January 2017 session and WP.29 at its March 2017 session).
Consolidated proposal for amendments to GRRF-82-08
Consolidated proposal for amendments to GRRF-82-08
Updated version of the proposal to introduce corrective steering and B1 level ACSF provisions into UN R79 as agreed by the GRRF during its September 2016 session.