Modular Vehicle Combinations | Session 5 | 26-27 Oct 2015
Agenda Item 7.
Review of document MVC-01-06e (GRRF-66-08 – Amended)

The group agreed to review the document paragraph by paragraph.

There was a debate on the necessity to add a definition of a “towing trailer”: there are 2 types of towing trailer i.e. semi-trailer with 5th wheel, and extended chassis with 5th wheel. Agreed to delete the reference to “this regulation”.

Definition of dolly: Debate on the possible restriction of such definition: it could prevent adding some future new technologies. Agreed to change the definition: “dolly” means a towing trailer designed for the sole purpose to tow a semi-trailer.” Agreed to make the definition of a dolly as a sub-definition of towing trailer.

Paragraph 5.1.3.: adopted

Paragraph to adopted. Mr. Heim pointed out that there use of “coupling head” is unclear, since it is usually understood as a pneumatic connector, while it is here used as both pneumatic and electric. The group agreed to keep this issue in head.

Paragraph adopted

Paragraph adopted

Paragraph question of the meaning of “highest”. There was a debate on the interpretation of the last sentence of the paragraph. The group agreed to flag this sentence and inquire on the origin of the change. The 1st sentence may be interpreted such that if there is in the chain a vehicle with only pneumatic brake/only electric brake, then the combination may have the wrong design and the relevant action must be taken. MMrr Heim and Adam volunteered to dig in the working documents and the history of the document for finding the meaning and purpose of the paragraph.

Conclusion: M. Heim and M. Adam to provide explanation on the necessity of the proposed paragraph.

Paragraph the group tried to secure that the hoses and cables are always provided. PT proposed a simplified wording (MVC-05-05):
“Paragraph The flexible hoses and cables used for the connection between a towing vehicle for semi-trailer and its following semi-trailer shall be part of the towing vehicle.
The flexible hoses and cables used for the connection between a towing vehicle for trailer other than a semi-trailer and its following trailer shall be part of the following trailer.
In the case of an automated connector, this requirement regarding the allocation of flexible hoses and cables is not applicable.”
The drawings should be added in the regulation. CA proposed an alternative wording, focusing on the owner of the hoses:
“towing vehicles having a 5th wheel, and towed vehicles having a drawbar shall provide the flexible hoses and cables for the connection between towing and towed vehicles.”

[The meeting report contains proposed sketches for vehicle combinations.]

The group adopted the PT proposal, as amended, together with the sketches. The group acknowledged that there is still room for grammatical improvement, and that the sketches could be placed either as an explanation in the justifications to the working document, or as a new annex of the regulation.

Paragraph the group acknowledged that the word “towing” was not present in the current text of the regulation, hence should not be deleted.

Text adopted.
Group to keep in mind the necessity to add equivalent provisions for towing trailers.

Paragraph “one cooker is enough in the kitchen”, i.e. two controllers in a control loop could lead to unstable situations. Hence the group agreed to keep the requirement of one unique coupling force control.

Conclusion: proposed change adopted.

The group had no time to continue the revision of the document further than paragraph

GRRF-66-08 Draft Proposal for Amendment to Regulation No. 13 (CLEPA)
MVC-01-06 GRRF-66-08: CLEPA proposal to amend UN Regulation 13 (CLEPA)
MVC-05-05 Comments on modular vehicle combinations draft text concerning flexible hoses and cables (Volvo Group)