Proposal for amendments to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83 (Italy)
Proposal for amendments to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83
UN Regulations Nos. 49 and 83 include provisions for a “driver inducement system” that alerts drivers of low reagent levels (urea, etc.) critical to correct emissions control performance and eventually prevents vehicle operation if the reagent tank is empty. Under UN R49 (para. 5.2), rescue, police, and other emergency/special use vehicles are exempted from this requirement. This proposal would extend the same treatment under UN R83.
Proposal of changes to document GRPE/2017/2 concerning amendments to Regulation No. 83 (Hungary and Russia)
Proposal of changes to document GRPE/2017/2 concerning amendments to Regulation No. 83
Pursuant to GRPE discussions, the proposal adds the following paragraph to the amendment:
“At the manufacturer’s request, type approval granted under this Regulation may be extended from vehicles mentioned above to special purpose vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 regardless of their reference mass. The manufacturer shall demonstrate to the Type Approval Authority which granted the type approval that the vehicle in question is a special purpose vehicle.”
Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83 (EC)
Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83
Proposal to correct the calculation of the resistance to progress force. This proposal was amended during GRPE discussions to cover the 06 and 07 series of amendments to UN R83.
Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83
Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83
Proposal to update the on-board diagnostics (OBD) requirements, to delete the definition of “vehicles designed to fulfil specific social needs” in line with the Euro 6 stages of European Union Regulation (EC) No. 715/2007 and implementation Regulation (EC) No. 692/2008, and to clarify the wording of transitional provisions and align them with the General Guidelines for UN Regulatory Procedures and Transitional Provisions in UN Regulations (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1044/Rev.1). In addition, the proposed wording would allow Contracting Parties not to accept UN type-approvals if the requirements specified in the 07 series of amendments are not met.
Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83
Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 83
Proposal to correct the inadvertent deletion of a sentence in by WP.29/2015/57 adopted at the 166th session of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).
This proposal (WP.29/2016/28) was adopted by the World Forum. Thirty-four Contracting Parties out of the 43 applying UN R83 were present for the vote by AC.1. Thirty-four voted in favor with zero against and zero abstaining.