Working Party on Noise | Session 62 | 1-3 Sep 2015
Agenda Item 8.
Collective amendments

15. The expert from IMMA proposed collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 9, 41, 63 and 92 to clarify that the provisions on fibrous materials are only applicable if such materials are in contact with exhaust gases (GRB-62-06-Rev.1). Following comments by the experts from Germany and OICA, GRB invited IMMA to revise the proposal and re-submit it to the next session, possibly as an official document.

GRB-62-06/Rev.1 Proposals to clarify provisions in Regulations Nos. 9, 41, 63 and 92 (IMMA)
GRB-62-12 Overview of the "Future Policy for Motor Vehicle Noise Reduction“ (MoE-Japan)
GRB-62-13/Rev.1 The trend of noise regulation in Japan (MLIT and JASIC)
GRB-62-15 Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 41 (IMMA)
GRB/2015/8 Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 41 (IMMA)