World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 166 | 23-26 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems

17. The secretariat informed the World Forum that the 2015 ITS flagship event would be jointly organized by France and UNECE in conjunction with the ITS World Congress in Bordeaux (France) on 7 October 2015.

18. The representative of EU informed the World Forum that the issue of autonomous vehicles was one of the priorities and high on the agenda of EU. She added that the topic would be discussed in the CARS 2020 high-level group, which consisted of stakeholders from the automotive sector, NGOs and policymakers. She explained that the purpose of CARS 2020 was to identify concrete priorities and sound objectives for policy activities and establish a medium term strategy for motor vehicles. She added that one of the main objectives of the strategy would be to ensure a solid, stable and predictable framework for automated/autonomous vehicles in the EU. She expressed the hope of EU that the outcomes of the discussions at WP.29 would feed into the work of EU and that the work among the various groups could be coordinated so as to avoid duplication and delays.

WP.29-166-04 Information about the 2015 ITS flagship event co-organized by France and the UNECE
WP.29-166-09 Enhanced cooperation and coordination on work related to ITS within relevant bodies WP.1, WP.29 and SC.1
WP.29-166-10 Note by the WP.29 secretariat on addressing challenges presented by automated/autonomous vehicles
WP.29-166-21 Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology