World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 165 | 10-13 Mar 2015
Agenda Item 3.5.4.
Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (Seventy-ninth session, 16-20 February 2015)

34. The Chair of GRRF, Mr. B. Frost (United Kingdom), informed WP.29 about the results of GRRF during its seventy-ninth session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/79).

35. [The GRRF Chair] announced that GRRF had endorsed the proposed technical report corresponding to the draft Amendment 2 to UN GTR No. 3.

36. [The GRRF Chair] reported on the way GRRF received and addressed guidance from the IWG on ITS/AD on regulating vehicle automation.

37. [The GRRF Chair] informed WP.29 about the submission by GRRF of the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures of the IWG on Automatically Commended Steering Functions (ACSF) as reproduced in the annex of that session’s report. The World Forum endorsed the creation of the IWG on ACSF and agreed to review the draft Terms of Reference at its next session.

38. [The GRRF Chair] also announced that the IWG on the Revision of UN Regulation No. 55 (Coupling devices) would need one additional year to complete their tasks. WP.29 agreed to extend their mandate by one year.

39. He recalled the strategy previously agreed upon that an update to UN GTR No. 16 (Tyres) would be needed after its establishment in the global registry by AC.3, in order to keep the UN GTR in line with the latest regulatory developments, necessary to fulfil the objective of Phase 1 of the development of the UN GTR. The representative of the Russian Federation announced that his country would volunteer to act as the technical sponsor for this update as well as for the Phase 2 of the development of the UN GTR and to chair the corresponding informal group. WP.29 welcomed this proposal.

WP.1 Informal No. 2 Autonomous Driving (Belgium and Sweden)
WP.29-165-09 Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft global technical regulations and/or amendments
WP.29-165-17 Acronyms/abbreviations in Vehicle Regulations
WP.29-165-20 Revised Terms of Reference for the ITS/Automated Driving informal working group
WP.29/2015/38 Proposal for Amendment 2 to global technical regulation No. 3
WP.29/2015/39 Draft final report on Amendment 2 to global technical regulation No. 3