18. The expert from CLEPA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/3 proposing to define a reduced vision zone I for vehicles of categories M and N other than M1. GRSG noted a number of study reservations on the proposal with respect to the impact of the proposed provisions for some categories of vehicles. The Chair invited all experts to send their comments to the expert from CLEPA and to resume consideration of this subject at the next GRSG session on the basis of a revised document by CLEPA.
19. The expert from Hungary proposed an amendment to the UN Regulation allowing the use of thick glass panes for multiple glazed units (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/4). GRSG noted some comments. The document did not receive the full support of GRSG. It was agreed to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/4 on the agenda and to have a final review of the proposal at the next session of GRSG.
20. The expert from Hungary presented GRSG-108-15 proposing to clarify the requirements on the abrasion test machine. The experts from France and CLEPA preferred to wait until the forthcoming publication of the corresponding ISO standard. GRSG invited the secretariat to distribute GRSG-108-15 with an official symbol, for further consideration at the next GRSG session.
21. Referring to the discussion at the March 2015 session of WP.29 (see report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1114, para. 59), the Chair addressed the concerns raised by AGC Glass Europe on the number of test cycles for plastic glazing and the standard deviation of the measured delta haze. GRSG reaffirmed its position and noted the unusual procedure followed by AGC Glass Europe to present its concerns. GRSG endorsed the view of the Chair to invite members of AGC Glass Europe to present, at a future session of GRSG, a concrete proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 43 including a justification and clear objectives for a possible extension of the mandate of the informal working group on plastic glazing.