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Attendance |
1. The Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) held its 108th session from 4 to 8 May 2015 (morning) in Geneva. The meeting was chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy). Experts from the following countries participated in the work, following Rule 1(a) of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (TRANS/WP.29/690, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/Amend.1 and Amend.2): Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Kuwait, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). An expert from the European Commission (EC) also participated. Experts from the following non-governmental organizations participated: European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA), European Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (AEGPL), International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA), International Road Transport Union (IRU), International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV Global) and International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA). Upon the special invitation of the Chair, an expert from the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the International Association of the Body and Trailer Building Industry (CLCCR) participated. |
1. | Adoption of the agenda |
2. GRSG considered and adopted the agenda proposed for the 108th session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/1 and Add.1).
GRSG/2015/1 | Provisional agenda for the 108th GRSG session
GRSG/2015/1/Add.1 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 108th GRSG session
3. GRSG also adopted the running order for the session as proposed by the Chair in GRSG-108-01. GRSG noted the main decisions of the World Forum WP.29 taken during its sessions of November 2014 and March 2015 (reports ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1112 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1114 including its Corr.1).
GRSG-108-01 | Running order of the provisional agenda for the 108th GRSG session
WP.29/1112 | Report of the World Forum/WP.29 on its 164th session
WP.29/1114 | Report of the World Forum/WP.29 on its 165th session
WP.29/1114/Corr.1 | Corrigendum to the report of the World Forum/WP.29 on its 165th session
4. The informal documents distributed during the session are listed in Annex I of the GRSG session report. The GRSG informal working groups are listed in Annex VI.
GRSG/87 | Report of the GRSG on its 108th session
2. | Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) | |
2. (a) | Proposals for further amendments |
5. Recalling the discussion at the previous GRSG session, the expert from Sweden introduced a revised proposal for the introduction of automatic fire suppression systems in the engine and/or heater compartment of buses and coaches (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/6/Rev.1). The expert from OICA raised concerns and presented GRSG-108-45 proposing further improvements to the revised text. The expert from Hungary introduced GRSG-108-10 on statistical information about fires in different categories and classes of buses and coaches. 6. Following a controversial discussion on the scope of the new test requirement for automatic fire suppression systems, GRSG agreed to go forward with the following compromise stages: (i) to agree during the current session on the mandatory installation of such systems on vehicles of Class III (as a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments) taking into account the transitional provisions (i.e. June 2018 for new types of vehicles and June 2019 for all existing types) as reflected in GRSG-108-51 and (ii) to reach a consensus at the forthcoming session of GRSG on the mandatory installation of automatic fire suppression systems on vehicles of Classes I and II. Thus, GRSG already committed to the following dates for the transitional provisions of stage (ii) mentioned above: at the latest 2020 for new types and 2022 for all types. 7. Finally, GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/6/Rev.1, as amended as reproduced in GRSG-108-51, and requested the secretariat to submit the proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 4 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107.
GRSG-108-10 | Statistical information about fires in different bus categories and classes
GRSG-108-45 | Comments on the proposed supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107
OICA concerns regarding the proposal to introduce fire suppression systems for buses and coaches upon detection of fire in the engine and/or heater compartment (document GRSG/2014/6/Rev.1).
GRSG-108-51 | Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107
Text of the proposal for fire suppression systems prepared by the Secretariat and incorporating documents GRSG/2015/6/Rev.1 and GRSG-108-45 as agreed by the GRSG during its 108th session.
GRSG/2014/6/Rev.1 | Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107 (with track changes)
Proposal to introduce fire suppression systems for buses and coaches upon detection of fire in the engine and/or heater compartment.
8. The expert from Germany introduced GRSG-108-16 clarifying the provisions on the height of steps in vehicles which comply to Annex 8. GRSG noted a number of comments and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSG-108-16 with an official symbol for further consideration at its next session.
GRSG-108-16 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 107
Proposal to clarify the requirements concerning the height of steps in vehicles which comply with Annex 8.
9. The expert from UK presented GRSG-108-31 amending the safety prescriptions for buses and coaches to ensure that all occupants of exposed seats, and not just those at risk of being thrown forward into a step well, were provided with a means of protection. GRSG noted general support on the proposal. The Chair invited all experts to send their comments to the expert from UK who committed to submit to the secretariat a revised proposal for consideration at the next GRSG session as an official document.
GRSG-108-31 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 107
Incident reports confirm that occupants of exposed seats have been thrown forward during heavy braking or vehicle impact conditions, often sustaining head injuries from contact with the vehicle floor or other hard structure. Seats particularly affected are those located immediately to the rear of an open wheelchair or buggy space. This proposal aims to reduce this risk by extending existing requirements for exposed seats adjacent to step wells to apply to other exposed seats where there is a risk of the occupant being thrown forward.
10. The expert from Romania introduced GRSG-108-35 proposing to clarify the requirements on seat spacing. GRSG noted general support on the proposal and invited the secretariat distribute GRSG-108-35 with an official symbol, for further consideration at the next GRSG session.
GRSG-108-35 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 107
Proposal to redefine the measurement criteria for determining appropriate seat spacing in order to address observed cases where adequate spacing is not achieved even though the current criteria are fulfilled. The type approval authorities of the member states of the European Union (TAAM) discussed the proper interpretation of the text of the Regulation in the case of seats with a central recess (sunken area) and decided that the text of the Regulation needed to be modified in order to provide an adequate method to measure the H dimension.
11. The secretariat presented a draft brochure (GRSG-108-14) on a coordinated information campaign on UN Regulation No. 129 aiming at increasing the safety for children in vehicles. GRSG welcomed the document, but noted that it does not cover child restraint systems used in buses and coaches. To finalize the text of the brochure expected to be published soon, the Chair urged all experts to provide the secretariat ( their comments as soon as possible.
GRSG-108-14 | Draft brochure as part of coordinated information campaign for UN Regulation No. 129
2. (b) | Requirements for service doors, windows and emergency exits |
12. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/18 proposing updated provisions on emergency controls at service doors. GRSG noted some concerns and reservations on the proposal. Following the discussion, the expert from Germany volunteered to prepare a revised document for consideration at the next GRSG session taking into account the comments received.
GRSG/2015/18 | Proposal for amendments to the 05 and 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107
Proposal for a new paragraph in Annex 3 to clarify that deactivation of emergency controls at speeds lower than 5 km/h should be permitted taking into consideration that the opening in emergency is ensured according to the provisions of paragraph Paragraph is renumbered and amended to correct the speed at which the control has to be reactivated. The amended paragraphs align the requirements to those on overnight-locking systems.
13. GRSG agreed to remove GRSG-107-05 from the agenda.
GRSG-107-05 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 107
In document GRSG/2014/4, Hungary proposed to delete the provision that emergency windows shall be capable of being operated from outside the vehicle. This document provides a written justification for the proposal to enable its formal approval by GRSG.
3. | Regulation No. 39 (Speedometer) |
14. The expert from Belgium introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/15, as amended by GRSG-108-30, proposing to insert new provisions for the installation of odometers on vehicles. GRSG noted general support on the proposal. 15. Following the discussion, GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/15, as amended below, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 39.
GRSG-108-30 | Corrigendum to the proposals for the draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 39
Proposal from the GRSG secretariat to correct the definition of "Odometer" in documents GRSG/2015/15 and GRSG/2015/16.
GRSG/2015/15 | Proposal for draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 39
Proposal to insert performance requirements for the installation of odometers on vehicles.
16. The expert from FIA gave a presentation (GRSG-108-37) justifying the need for protection against mileage fraud and proposing to set up an informal working group on this subject. He presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/16 proposing further amendments to the proposal submitted by Belgium and inserting a reference to the common criteria published in ISO/IEC 15408 (GRSG-108-06). He concluded that the common criteria would result in a higher level of stringency in the security requirements for odometers and thus improve the protection of odometers against mileage fraud. The expert from India raised concerns (GRSG-108-39) to the proposal from FIA. The expert from OICA introduced GRSG-108-38 clarifying the subject and presenting the concerns of the automotive industry to the proposal from FIA. GRSG experts were invited to send their comments to the expert from FIA. GRSG did not support the adoption of the proposal but agreed to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/16 and GRSG-108-38 on its agenda as a reference document for further consideration at its next session.
GRSG-108-06 | Protected reference file: ISO standards: ISO 15408-1 to 3 and 18045
ISO standards provided to the Working Party on General Safety for internal use only. These files are password-protected. The password may be requested by GRSG participants from the WP.29/GRSG secretariat. ISO 15408 establishes the general concepts and principles of information technology security evaluation. ISO 18045 is the companion document for ISO 15408 and concerns security techniques.
GRSG-108-37 | Protection against mileage fraud by common criteria
GRSG-108-38 | Comments on the proposed draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 39
OICA comments expressing opposition to the proposed measures to combat odometer fraud in the used vehicle market.
GRSG-108-39 | Comments on the proposed draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 39
India comments raising concerns over the feasibility of the proposal to combat odometer fraud in used car sales.
GRSG/2015/16 | Proposal for draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 39
Proposal to add anti-fraud provisions and test procedures to the Belgian proposal to include odometers under UN R39 (i.e., document GRSG/2015/15).
17. The expert from EC introduced GRSG-108-42 proposing to amend the requirements for numeric displays of speedometers. The Chair invited all experts to send their comments to the expert from EC and to resume consideration of the subject at the next GRSG session on the basis of an official document to be submitted by the expert from EC.
GRSG-108-42 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 39
Proposal to update requirements for numeric/digital displays.
4. | Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing) |
18. The expert from CLEPA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/3 proposing to define a reduced vision zone I for vehicles of categories M and N other than M1. GRSG noted a number of study reservations on the proposal with respect to the impact of the proposed provisions for some categories of vehicles. The Chair invited all experts to send their comments to the expert from CLEPA and to resume consideration of this subject at the next GRSG session on the basis of a revised document by CLEPA.
GRSG/2015/3 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 43
Proposal to define a reduced vision zone I for vehicles of categories M and N other than M<sub>1</sub>.
19. The expert from Hungary proposed an amendment to the UN Regulation allowing the use of thick glass panes for multiple glazed units (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/4). GRSG noted some comments. The document did not receive the full support of GRSG. It was agreed to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/4 on the agenda and to have a final review of the proposal at the next session of GRSG.
GRSG/2015/4 | Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43
This proposal aims to enable the use of thick glass panes for multiple glazed units which, in turn, requires exempting such configurations from the head-form test.
20. The expert from Hungary presented GRSG-108-15 proposing to clarify the requirements on the abrasion test machine. The experts from France and CLEPA preferred to wait until the forthcoming publication of the corresponding ISO standard. GRSG invited the secretariat to distribute GRSG-108-15 with an official symbol, for further consideration at the next GRSG session.
GRSG-108-15 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 43
Proposal to clarify the specification of the abrasion test machine.
21. Referring to the discussion at the March 2015 session of WP.29 (see report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1114, para. 59), the Chair addressed the concerns raised by AGC Glass Europe on the number of test cycles for plastic glazing and the standard deviation of the measured delta haze. GRSG reaffirmed its position and noted the unusual procedure followed by AGC Glass Europe to present its concerns. GRSG endorsed the view of the Chair to invite members of AGC Glass Europe to present, at a future session of GRSG, a concrete proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 43 including a justification and clear objectives for a possible extension of the mandate of the informal working group on plastic glazing. |
5. | Regulation No. 46 (Devices for indirect vision) |
22. The expert from Japan introduced GRSG-108-17-Rev.1, superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/26, on the close-proximity field of vision for certain categories of vehicles. GRSG welcomed the compromise proposal and noted general support on the modified scope of UN Regulation No. 46. GRSG adopted GRSG-108-17-Rev.1.
GRSG-108-17/Rev.1 | Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46 (revised)
Proposal to exclude M and N1 vehicles from the close-proximity field of vision requirements pursuant to the establishment of the international whole vehicle type approval system.
23. Referring to the final report GRSG-108-23, the expert from the Netherlands, chairing the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Camera-Monitor Systems (CMS), informed GRSG that his group had finalized the draft amendments to Regulation No. 46 to introduce the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2). He added that all ISO standards referred to in the proposed text were accessible for GRSG experts as informal documents GRSG-108-03 and GRSG-108-20. On behalf of the informal group on CMS, he presented GRSG-108-21 incorporating further amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2. He proposed to insert supplementary information on camera-monitor systems of classes I to IV into the existing information documents required for type-approval procedure (GRSG-108-22). 24. GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2, amended as reproduced in GRSG-108-46-Rev.2 (including the modified scope proposed in GRSG-108-17-Rev.1 and adopted under para. 22 above). The secretariat was requested to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 46.
GRSG-108-03 | ISO standards: ISO 9241, ISO 13406, ISO 14524 (zip file)
ISO standards provided for the sole use of participants in the Working Party on General Safety. This file is password protected. Please contract the GRSG secretariat (Mr. Romain Hubert, telephone: +41 (0) 22 917 2402 or <a href="" target="_blank">by e-mail</a>) for further information.
GRSG-108-17/Rev.1 | Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46 (revised)
Proposal to exclude M and N1 vehicles from the close-proximity field of vision requirements pursuant to the establishment of the international whole vehicle type approval system.
GRSG-108-20 | ISO standard: ISO 16505 (Camera monitor systems)
Password-protected copy of ISO standard 16505: Road Vehicles -- Ergonomic and performance aspects of Camera Monitor Systems -- Requirements and test procedures. Participants in GRSG work may contact the GRSG secretariat for access.
GRSG-108-21 | Proposal to amend the draft Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
Amendments from the CMS II informal group to the draft provisions that would allow the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems.
GRSG-108-22 | Proposal to amend the draft Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
Proposal to add information reporting requirements for type approval of camera-monitor systems of classes I to IV to the proposal for a Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to UN R46 (document GRSG/2015/2).
GRSG-108-23 | Report from the informal group on Camera-Monitor Systems (IGCMS-II) to GRSG
GRSG-108-46/Rev.2 | Adopted proposal for a draft Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
Consolidated revised version of UN R46 as approved by the GRSG during its 108th session to introduce the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems.
GRSG/2015/2 | Proposal for a draft Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
Proposal by the Informal Group on Camera-Monitor Systems (IGCMS-II) to introduce the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems.
25. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/8 on new provisions for the indirect view within UN Regulation No. 125 (Forward field of vision of drivers) in the case vehicles were equipped with CMS. GRSG noted some comments. The expert from OICA clarified that only the devices for indirect vision covered by UN Regulation No. 46 shall benefit from such provisions (GRSG-108-25). The expert from Germany volunteered to prepare an updated document for consideration at the next GRSG session, taking into account the comments received.
GRSG-108-25 | Proposal for the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 125
Document GRSG/2015/8 proposes to amend the provisions on forward field of vision of drivers in UN R125 to promote and to support the installation of camera-monitor devices on vehicles of category M1. This proposal would clarify that the amendment only applies to regulated devices for indirect vision.
GRSG/2015/8 | Proposal for the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 125
Proposal to modify UN R125 in line with the proposed amendment to UN R46 (indirect vision) that introduces the use of camera-monitor systems (CMS) in place of rear-view mirrors (i.e., document GRSG/2015/2). This proposal is part of a package of proposals to amend the UN Regulations impacted by the amendment to UN R46 and would extend the provisions for rear-view mirrors to CMS devices.
26. The expert from the Netherlands proposed to also align the provisions of UN Regulation No. 10 (Electromagnetic compatibility) with the new adopted requirements to UN Regulation No. 46 in the case vehicles were equipped with CMS (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/9). The expert from OICA again clarified that only the devices for indirect vision covered by Regulation No. 46 shall be listed (GRSG-108-26). The secretariat was requested to prepare an updated proposal for consideration at the October 2015 sessions of GRSG and the Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE), as draft Supplements to the 04 and 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 10.
GRSG-108-26 | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 10
Document GRSG/2015/9 would amend the provisions of UN R10 on electromagnetic compatibility to include camera-monitor devices newly defined under UN R46. This proposal aims to clarify that the amendment applies only to regulated devices for indirect vision (UN R46) so as not to be confused with other devices for indirect vision already included within the scope of UN R10.
GRSG/2015/9 | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 10
Proposal to align UN Regulation No. 10 with the proposed amendments to Regulation No. 46 (document GRSG/2015/2) to enable the replacement rear-view mirrors by camera-monitor systems. This proposal is also subject to the consent of the Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE).
27. The expert from the Netherlands presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/10 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/11 proposing to align the provisions of UN Regulations Nos. 26 (External projections) and 61 (External projections of commercial vehicles) with the adopted new CMS provisions in UN Regulation No. 46 (para. 24 above). GRSG adopted both documents and requested the secretariat to submit them (together with ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2, as amended) to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 26 and as draft Supplement 3 to UN Regulation No. 61 respectively.
GRSG/2015/10 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 26
Proposal to treat camera-monitor systems the same as rear-view mirrors under UN R26 in view of the amendment to UN R46 to enable the replacement of rear-view mirrors by CMS (i.e., document GRSG/2015/2).
GRSG/2015/11 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to Regulation No. 61
Proposal to ensure that all devices for indirect vision, including exterior cameras, are covered by UN R61. This proposal is part of a package of proposals to update various regulations impacted by the proposed amendment to enable the replacement of rear-view mirrors by camera-monitor systems.
GRSG/2015/2 | Proposal for a draft Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
Proposal by the Informal Group on Camera-Monitor Systems (IGCMS-II) to introduce the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems.
28. The expert from the Netherlands introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/12 proposing to also align the provisions of UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) with the new CMS provisions. GRSG endorsed the document and requested the secretariat to transmit the proposal to the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) for consideration at the September 2015 session as a draft Supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79.
GRSG/2015/12 | Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 79
Proposal to adapt UN R79 in line with the proposed addition of camera-monitor systems to UN R46 (indirect vision). UN R79 refers to external mirrors in test procedures involving the vehicle turning circle. This proposal replaces the reference to mirrors with a broader reference to "indirect vision devices" that includes CMS.
29. The expert from the Netherlands tabled ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/13 also aligning the provisions of UN Regulation No. 94 (Frontal collision protection) with the new CMS provisions in UN Regulation No. 46. GRSG agreed on the proposal and requested the secretariat to transmit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/13 to the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) for consideration at the May 2015 session as a draft Supplement to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 94. Note by the secretariat: At its May 2015 session, GRSP adopted the proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 6 to the 02 series of amendments and as part of the draft 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 94 (see GRSP report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/57, para. 27).
GRSG/2015/13 | Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 94
Proposal to align UN R94 with the draft amendment to add camera-monitor systems to UN R46 (i.e., document GRSG/2015/2). Under UN R94, the measurement for the 40% overlap between the vehicle and crash barrier excludes external rear-view mirrors. This proposal would extend the same treatment where the mirror has been replaced by an exterior camera.
30. Referring to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/14, the expert from the Netherlands proposed to also align the provisions of UN Regulation No. 107 with the adopted CMS provisions. The secretariat was requested to submit a proposal, as amended below, to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 4 to the 05 series of amendments and as part (see para. 7 above) of draft Supplement 4 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107. Paragraph, amend to read:
GRSG/2015/14 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107
UN R107 includes a provision to prevent a folding seat used by the crew from obstructing the view of the exterior rear-view mirror. In light of the proposed amendment to introduce camera-monitor systems into UN R46 (indirect vision), this proposal would extend the same treatment to CMS used in the place of rear view mirrors.
31. The expert from OICA suggested clarifying the conditions for the installation of surveillance mirrors, when integrated in a housing already including one or several mirrors of classes II or III (GRSG-108-24). GRSG invited the secretariat to distribute GRSG-108-24 with an official symbol, for further consideration at the next GRSG session.
GRSG-108-24 | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
This proposal aims to clarify that surveillance mirrors can be mounted below 2 meters from the ground when integrated in a housing including one or several mirrors of classes II or III.
32. GRSG acknowledged the excellent work done by the IWG on CMS. |
6. | Regulation No. 58 (Rear underrun protection) |
33. The expert from Germany presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/17 and GRSG-108-48 introducing into UN Regulation No. 58 more stringent requirements for rear underrun protection devices. The expert from IRU informed GRSG about the road transport sector’s point of view (GRSG-108-07) concerning the strengthening of the requirements for rear underrun protection devices, and proposed an amendment to the new paragraph 16.7. The expert from CLCCR raised a number of concerns (GRSG-108-13) and proposed some amendments to the proposed text. The expert from OICA introduced GRSG-108-27 and GRSG-108-28 clarifying the transitional provisions and the text of the new technical requirements proposed by Germany. GRSG noted the concerns raised by the expert from India on the basis of GRSG-108-40. 34. Following the discussion, GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/17, amended as reproduced in GRSG-108-48-Rev.2. The secretariat was requested to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 58.
GRSG-108-07 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 58
Proposal by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) to amend the proposal by Germany that increases the stringency of the UN R58 rear underrun performance requirements. This proposal would delete the labeling provision (para. 16.7) in the German proposal (document GRSG/2015/17).
GRSG-108-13 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 58
Proposal to clarify and refine the draft amendments proposed in document GRSG/2015/17 "Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 58".
GRSG-108-27 | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Proposal to amend document GRSG/2015/17 which would introduce higher stringency levels for rear underrun protection devices.
GRSG-108-28 | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Proposal to correct certain omissions in the text and to simplify the transitional provisions proposed in document GRSG/2015/17 which would increase the stringency of the rear underrun protection device requirements.
GRSG-108-40 | Comment on the proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Proposal for corrections to the text.
GRSG-108-48 | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Revised proposal to introduce more stringent requirements for rear underrun protection devices, taking into account the comments received during the 108th GRSG session.
GRSG-108-48/Rev.1 | Revised proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Revised proposal to introduce more stringent requirements for rear underrun protection devices, taking into account the comments received during the 108th GRSG session.
GRSG-108-48/Rev.2 | Adopted proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Proposal as approved by the GRSG during its 108th session to introduce more stringent requirements for rear underrun protection devices..
GRSG/2015/17 | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 58
Proposal to introduce more stringent requirements for rear underrun protection devices.
35. The expert from UK explained their concerns about the current exemptions in UN Regulations Nos. 58 and 73 (GRSG-108-32). He sought the view of GRSG as to how the wording of the exemptions might be improved to ensure that as many vehicles as possible are fitted with rear underrun protection and side guards. GRSG experts were invited to send their comments to the expert from UK. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session and to keep GRSG-108-32 on its agenda as a reference document.
GRSG-108-32 | Draft amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 58 and 73
UN Regulations Nos. 58 and 73 contain exemptions which can be applied by an approval authority and we are concerned that a vehicle which is correctly approved using such an exemption cannot then be required to have an RUPD or sideguards. The UK seeks the views of GRSG on how the wording of the exemptions may be improved to ensure that as many vehicles as possible are fitted with RUPD and sideguards.
7. | Regulation No. 67 (Equipment for liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)) |
36. Recalling the discussion on this subject at the previous session of GRSG, the expert from AEGPL informed GRSG about the progress done on a proposal to insert into UN Regulation No. 67 new provisions for preventing a flow of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) into the petrol or diesel tank, and vice versa. He expected to finalize a concrete proposal for consideration at the next GRSG session on the basis of an official document. 37. GRSG questioned the need to extend the scope of UN Regulation No. 67 to vehicles of category L. The expert from AEGPL preferred to consider this subject separately and suggested preparing an additional informal document. |
8. | Regulation No. 97 (Vehicle Alarm Systems (VAS)) |
38. GRSG recalled the submission to WP.29 of a proposal (GRSG-107-26-Rev.1) to clarify the requirements on the optical signal outside the vehicle on the status of VAS (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/36), subject to the review by GRE. The experts from France and Germany reported on the concerns raised by GRE at its April 2015 session. Following the discussion, GRSG noted general support on the compromise proposal as reflected in GRSG-108-50. 39. GRSG adopted the proposed amendments to UN Regulation No. 97 as reproduced in Annex II to this report and agreed to remove ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/36 from the June 2015 agenda of WP.29. The secretariat requested to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 97.
GRSG-107-26/Rev.1 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 97
Proposal to delete provisions regarding the optical display of the status of the vehicle alarm system outside the passenger compartment in order to avoid driver distraction by and/or confusion of such exterior lighting with primary lighting and signaling equipment required under UN R48.
GRSG-108-50 | Amendments to the proposed Supplements to UN Regulations No. 97 and No. 116
Revised proposals approved by the GRSG to delete provisions regarding the optical display of the status of the vehicle alarm system outside the passenger compartment in order to avoid driver distraction by and/or confusion of such exterior lighting with primary lighting and signaling equipment required under UN R48. These proposals supersede documents WP.29/2015/36 and WP.29/2015/37 that were submitted for the March 2015 WP.29 session but deferred to the June session.
WP.29/2015/36 | Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 97
Proposal as approved by the GRSG to delete provisions regarding the optical display of the status of the vehicle alarm system outside the passenger compartment in order to avoid driver distraction by and/or confusion of such exterior lighting with primary lighting and signaling equipment required under UN R48.
9. | Regulation No. 110 (Specific components for CNG) |
40. The expert from Belgium withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/28. Recalling the discussion at the previous session of GRSG, the expert from the Netherlands presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/5 (superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/30) clarifying the provisions of Chapter 18 of the Regulation following the introduction of provisions for the mandatory installation of manual and automatic valves. GRSG noted a number of comments. Following the discussion, GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/5, as amended below, and requested the secretariat to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110. Paragraph, amend “LNG valve (automatic)” to read “Automatic valve”.
GRSG/2014/28 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 110
Proposal to clarify the provisions for the periodic inspection of pressure relief valves.
GRSG/2014/30 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 110
Text prepared by the Netherlands and the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV/NGV Global) to clarify the provisions of Chapter 18 following the introduction of automatic valves (see report GRSG/84, para. 38).
GRSG/2015/5 | Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 110
Proposal to correct the numbering of chapter 18 following the introduction of provisions for automatic valves.
41. The expert from the Netherlands introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/6 proposing new provisions on a directional discharge of the pressure relief devices for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) containers. The expert from Germany presented GRSG-108-08 proposing a number of improvements to the proposed text. Following the discussion, GRSG noted a general support on the final proposal as reflected in GRSG-108-08-Rev.2. 42. GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/6 as amended by Annex IV to this report. The secretariat was requested to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110.
GRSG-108-08/Rev.2 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (2nd revision)
Proposal to require an exterior protection on cylindrical gas tanks. Under the current regulation, such exterior protection may be fitted at the discretion of the manufacturer. The intention is to increase protection against corrosion of cylinders in response to a corroded cylinder explosion in Germany.
GRSG/2015/6 | Proposal for draft 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 110
Proposal to regulate the direction of discharging the pressure relief devices of CNG containers.
43. The expert from Japan suggested amending UN Regulation No. 110 to improve the safety provisions for CNG and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) containers (GRSG-108-11). He expressed his preference to remove all provisions for welded metal cylinders. The expert from the Netherlands preferred to insert a clear provision to exclude such cylinders from the scope of the UN Regulation. The expert from EC stressed the need to also review the marking provisions of cylinders. GRSG welcomed the proposal and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of a revised proposal by Japan.
GRSG-108-11 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110
Proposal for improvements to marking provisions and changes to high-strength steel specifications pursuant to the deliberations of the Japanese 'Study Group for CNG Cylinders/LNG Tanks’, a stakeholder expert group.
44. The expert from OICA presented GRSG-108-29 on the use of autonomous CNG heaters for the heating of the engines before the entry into service of the vehicle. The document received general support and a number of comments. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of an official document. The expert from OICA volunteered to submit in due time a revised proposal taking into account the comments received.
GRSG-108-29 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 110
Proposal to enable the use of autonomous CNG heaters for the heating of engines before the vehicle is in service.
45. The expert from NGV Global introduced GRSG-108-02-Rev.1 justifying to withdraw from consideration at this time his initial proposal (GRSG-108-02) for the terms of reference to establish a IWG on Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) to develop an amendment to UN Regulation No.110. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at one of its next sessions on the basis of a new proposal taking into account new input from the NGV stakeholders.
GRSG-108-02/Rev.1 | Terms of Reference for a GRSG informal working group on Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) (revised)
Proposal to establish an informal working group to consolidate existing amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 in light of technical progress of other gaseous fuel regulations and standards and, where necessary, amend the Regulation to promote improved clarity and harmonization.
46. Referring to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2015/4 currently under discussion in the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15), the expert from Germany questioned the need to set up a common task force of experts of GRSG, WP.29 and WP.15. The proposal did not receive the full support of GRSG. It was agreed that GRSG should, on one hand, focus on the construction of new vehicles as well as on all related type approval issues and, on the other hand, continue close cooperation with the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) and sharing with the experts all necessary information on vehicle use.
WP.15/2015/4 | Use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel for vehicles carrying dangerous goods
10. | Regulation No. 116 (Vehicle Alarm Systems) |
47. Recalling the discussion during the previous GRSG session, the expert from OICA presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/7 proposing to introduce different operating voltage ranges according to the battery technology used. The experts from France and Germany raised the need to limit the voltage range. GRSG noted some comments and study reservations. The Chair invited all experts to send their comments to the expert from OICA and to resume consideration of this subject at the next GRSG session on the basis of a revised document by OICA.
GRSG/2015/7 | Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 116
UN R116 specifies operating voltages and voltage limits. Current technology and intelligent battery management systems allow for precise control and definition of these parameters. This includes “intelligent” operating ranges in order to optimize energy management (CO2 emission reduction). Fixed operating voltage ranges are therefore unnecessary or even may hinder efforts for CO2 emission reduction in the future. This proposal would allow varying operating voltage ranges according to the battery technology used to remove this restriction impact such advanced designs.
48. Upon the request of the IWG on International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA), the expert from OICA introduced GRSG-108-49 on the ambiguity in the wording of the scope of UN Regulation No. 116 and the contradiction of the provisions on the principle of mutual recognition of type approvals. The experts from EC, Germany and Japan raised a study reservation and preferred to reflect first on the advantages or disadvantages of a possible splitting of the Regulation and to evaluate collateral impacts or effects on the Contracting Parties applying the Regulation. GRSG experts were invited to send their comments to the expert from OICA. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2015 on the basis of a revised document by OICA, if appropriate. The secretariat was requested to keep GRSG-108-49 on the agenda as a reference document.
GRSG-108-49 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 116
Proposal developed by the IWVTA informal group to highlight concerns over the ambiguity of Regulation No. 116, especially with regard to whether the installation of vehicle immobilizer systems is mandatory. IWVTA is requesting WP.29 for clarification and resolution of the ambiguous provisions and interpretations.
49. Recalling its discussion under agenda item 8 (paras. 38-39 above), GRSG agreed to also remove ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/37 from the June 2015 agenda of WP.29. GRSG adopted the proposed amendments (GRSG-108-50) to UN Regulation No. 116 as reproduced in Annex III to this report and requested the secretariat to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 5 to UN Regulation No. 116.
GRSG-108-50 | Amendments to the proposed Supplements to UN Regulations No. 97 and No. 116
Revised proposals approved by the GRSG to delete provisions regarding the optical display of the status of the vehicle alarm system outside the passenger compartment in order to avoid driver distraction by and/or confusion of such exterior lighting with primary lighting and signaling equipment required under UN R48. These proposals supersede documents WP.29/2015/36 and WP.29/2015/37 that were submitted for the March 2015 WP.29 session but deferred to the June session.
WP.29/2015/37 | Proposal for Supplement 5 to Regulation No. 116
Proposal as approved by the GRSG to delete provisions regarding the optical display of the status of the vehicle alarm system outside the passenger compartment in order to avoid driver distraction by and/or confusion of such exterior lighting with primary lighting and signaling equipment required under UN R48.
11. | Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour) |
50. Recalling the purpose of his justification document GRSG-107-18, the expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/24 updating the provisions on the cable test, especially the reference to international standard ISO 6722 (available in GRSG-107-28). The expert from Germany presented additional test requirements for cables (GRSG-108-09). The expert from OICA supported in principle the more stringent test requirements proposed by Germany, but raised a reservation to study the possible need for transitional provisions. 51. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of an official document, jointly prepared by Germany and OICA, including a proposal for transitional provisions, if necessary.
GRSG-107-18 | Expanded justification for proposed amendments to Regulation No. 118
More detailed explanation of the proposal (document GRSG/2014/24) to update the reference to ISO 6722 in the cable test (i.e. replace the reference to "IS0 6722 paragraph 12" with a reference to "ISO 6722-1:2011 paragraph 5.22").
GRSG-107-28 | ISO Standards 11439:2013 and 6722:2011
This file is password-protected. ISO provided these standards "for the sole purpose of review during UNECE GRSG regulations development for GRSG participants, and not for public posting or reproduction without ISO’s permission.” Parties involved with this work may contact the GRSG secretariat to obtain the password.
ISO Standard 11439 concerns "High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles". ISO 6722 concerns '60 V and 600 V single-core cables -- Part 1: Dimensions, test methods and requirements for copper conductor cables".
GRSG-108-09 | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 118
Proposal to clarify the scope and the application of the regulation. The proposal clarifies that the regulations applies to "the burning behaviour of electric cables and cable sleeves or cable conduits used in the vehicle" and it updates the reference to paragraph 5.22. of ISO 6722-1:2011.
GRSG/2014/24 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 118
Proposal to update the reference to ISO 6722 in the cable test (i.e. replace the reference to IS0 6722 paragraph 12 with a reference to ISO 6722-1:2011 paragraph 5.22).
12. | Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators) |
52. Upon the request of the expert from OICA, GRSG agreed to defer consideration of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/12 to its October 2015 session. The expert from OICA volunteered to prepare a detailed justification document.
GRSG/2014/12 | Proposal for Supplement 9 to Regulation No. 121
Proposal to adapt the provisions for multi-function displays to technological progress. In principle, current displays can convey more information to the driver, including levels of severity or importance, while the current text was written when technologies were less flexible. As a result, the current provisions risk impeding the use of beneficial multi-function tell-tales. This text is based on informal document GRSG-105-21.
53. On behalf of the IWG on Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS), the expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRSG-108-05 proposing to insert into UN Regulation No. 121 a new symbol for the emergency call control and tell-tale. GRSG welcomed the proposal and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of an official document.
GRSG-108-05 | Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 121
Proposal to add a telltale and symbols for "Accident Emergency Call System (AECS)".
13. | Regulation No. 125 (Forward field of vision of drivers) |
54. The expert from UK presented GRSG-108-33 raising concerns about the absence of an appropriate field of view requirement for drivers of N1 vehicles. GRSG noted support on the principles of the proposal. Some experts raised a study reservation as the proposal would imply a modification to the current scope of UN Regulation No. 125. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of a concrete proposal by the expert from UK.
GRSG-108-33 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 125
An accident occurred where an N1 security vehicle fatally injured a child who was crossing the entrance to a supermarket car park. The vehicle had been modified from the original specification of the manufacturer by the removal of the side windows and the fitting of plastic glazing on both sides of the driver’s cab area, and a frame of strengthening material fitted to the replacement glazing. This reduced the side vision for the driver of the vehicle. Since UN R125 applies to M1 vehicles, the UK seeks guidance from GRSG on the application of UN R125 provisions to N1 vehicles.
14. | International Whole Vehicle Type Approval |
55. The expert from OICA, in his capacity of GRSG Ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA, informed GRSG about the remaining open issue of the scope of UN Regulation No. 116 and recalled the discussion of GRSG under agenda item 10 (para. 48 above). GRSG noted the progress of the IWG on IWVTA in preparing draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement and in developing draft Regulation No. 0 on IWVTA and the database for the exchange of type approval documentation. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session.
GRSG-108-49 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 116
Proposal developed by the IWVTA informal group to highlight concerns over the ambiguity of Regulation No. 116, especially with regard to whether the installation of vehicle immobilizer systems is mandatory. IWVTA is requesting WP.29 for clarification and resolution of the ambiguous provisions and interpretations.
15. | Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) |
56. Recalling the discussion at its previous session on new definitions for agricultural and forestry vehicles, GRSG noted the adoption of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/35 by WP.29 at its March 2015 session as an amendment to R.E.3.
WP.29/2015/35 | Proposal for draft amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicle (R.E.3)
Proposal as approved by the GRE and GRSG to add classifications covering agricultural trailers and towed agricultural machinery in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3).
57. The expert from IMMA introduced GRSG-108-18 proposing to insert into the R.E.3 a definition of “twinned wheels”. Japan raised a study reservation. GRSG noted some comments and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2015 on the basis of a new proposal by IMMA, taking into account the comments received.
GRSG-108-18 | Proposal for an amendment to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
Proposal to introduce a definition for "twinned wheels".
16. | Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS) |
58. The expert from the Russian Federation, chairing the IWG on AECS, reported on the work results achieved by the group and the difficulties in harmonizing telecommunication issues (e.g. communication module and antenna, data transmission and security, exchange protocol etc.). He underlined the need to go forward in several stages. He informed GRSG about the IWG’s decision to develop, as a first step, a draft UN Regulation on accident emergency call devices with a scope limited to the use or installation of such devices on vehicles but not covering the telecommunication functionalities. Nevertheless, the functionalities of such accident emergency call devices should comply with the national/regional telecommunication regulations.
GRSG-108-19 | Progress report of the GRSG informal group on Accident Emergency Call Systems
59. GRSG recalled its discussion under agenda item 12 (para. 53 above) on a new symbol for the emergency call control and tell-tale and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session.
GRSG-108-05 | Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 121
Proposal to add a telltale and symbols for "Accident Emergency Call System (AECS)".
17. | Global Technical Regulation No. 6 (Safety glazing) |
60. The expert from the Republic of Korea, chairing the IWG on Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG), reported on the outcome of the first kick-off meeting held in Geneva on 4 May 2015. He mentioned that all the working papers of that PSG meeting were available. He introduced GRSG-108-36 proposing the draft terms of reference and the rules of procedure of the IWG. Referring to GRSG-107-23 presented at the previous GRSG session, the expert from CLEPA recalled the possible need to review the scope of UN GTR No. 6. He reminded GRSG experts that sunroofs were not covered by the current scope. The Chair announced his intention to seek for guidance from WP.29 and AC.3. 61. Following the discussion, GRSG agreed on the terms of reference and the rules of procedure for the IWG on PSG as reproduced in Annex V to the GRSG-108 session report.
GRSG-107-23 | Proposal for draft Corrigendum 2 to Global Technical Regulation No. 6
Correction to clarify that the scope of the GTR covers windscreens and panes for cars and trucks and to harmonize the text with ISO 3537/ UN R43. The present text could be read to limit the scope of windscreens and double window panes.
GRSG-108-36 | Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the informal working group on Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG)
18. | Other business | |
18. (a) | Acronyms, abbreviations and symbols |
62. GRSG noted GRSG-108-04 on the recommendation of the World Forum WP.29 to establish lists of abbreviations and symbols to avoid confusions in UN Regulations and UN GTRs when using such acronyms, abbreviations and symbols. The current lists will continuously be updated and are available on the World Forum Abbreviations and Symbols web page. 63. GRSG may wish to reconsider the need to supplement the existing lists of acronyms and symbols with those used in UN Regulations under its responsibility. |
18. (b) | Regulation No. 34 (Prevention of fire risks) |
64. The expert from Japan proposed to amend the requirements for fire prevention under certain conditions in the event of a rear collision (GRSG-108-12). GRSG welcomed the proposal and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2015 on the basis of an official document.
GRSG-108-12 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 34
Proposal to correct an oversight by aligning the "alternative procedures" provisions of the regulation with the previously adopted amendment of the regulation that raised the rear-impact speed to between 48 and 52 km/h (03 series of amendments).
65. The expert from India presented GRSG-108-41 proposing to harmonize the scope of UN Regulation No. 34 and to amend the total permissible mass limit to read “2.5 tonnes” instead of “2.8 tonnes”. The expert from Japan was of the opinion that this amendment would lower the stringency of the provisions of the UN Regulation and, therefore, could not support the proposal. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its forthcoming session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSG-108-41 with an official symbol.
GRSG-108-41 | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 34
Proposal to align the draft 03 series (document WP.29/2014/65) with other UN Regulations and Indian standards by specifying the upper weight threshold of the total permissible mass of M1 and N1 vehicles of 2.5 tonnes (rather than the current 2.8 tonnes).
18. (c) | Event data recorders (EDR) |
66. Referring to GRSG-108-34, the expert from UK underlined the need to develop a harmonized regulation on data recording for automated vehicles and suggested inserting a new item to the agenda of the 109th session of GRSG. He volunteered to prepare a concrete proposal on this subject. GRSG welcomed and endorsed the suggestion. Following the discussion, the Chair announced his intention to inform WP.29 and its Subgroup on Intelligent Transport System / Automated Driving (ITS/AD) about this future activity by GRSG and to coordinate the work on automated vehicles within the subsidiary Working Parties. GRSG expected to receive guidance from ITS/AD on the need for a new regulation on EDR and the extent of its content.
GRSG-108-34 | Proposal for new agenda item on Event Data Recorders
18. (d) | Regulation No. 60 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators for mopeds/motorcycles) |
67. The expert from IMMA introduced GRSG-108-47 proposing to amend the requirements for identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators on two-wheeled motor cycles and mopeds. GRSG noted a number of concerns. The Chair invited all experts to send their comments to the expert from the IMMA. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of a revised document.
GRSG-108-47 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 60
Proposal to allow for small variations in the presentation of motorcycle telltales and control symbols that do not deviate to such an extent as to cause confusion.
18. (e) | General Safety Regulation |
68. The expert from EC informed GRSG about a study on the review of the European Union (EU) general safety regulation and pedestrian protection regulation. He indicated that the results of this study had recently been published (see website link in GRSG-108-44) and he added that a number of issues were of relevance for GRSG. He volunteered to keep GRSG informed of the next steps of the review.
GRSG-108-44 | Study on the review of the general safety regulation and pedestrian protection regulation
Notice on the publication of an EC-sponsored study on the benefits and feasibility of a range of new technologies and unregulated measures in the field of motor vehicles and on future plans of the Commission in this regard.
18. (f) | Masses and Dimensions |
69. The expert from EC introduced GRSG-108-43-Rev.1 on the review of the legal EU framework on masses and dimension aiming at allowing in international traffic longer trucks provided that their aerodynamic/fuel consumption performances as well as their safety were improved, and specifically to foster aerodynamic flaps at the rear of trailers/trucks as well an enhanced protection of pedestrians/cyclists. He said he would keep GRSG informed about the progress within the EU on this subject.
GRSG-108-43/Rev.1 | Review of the legal EU framework on masses and dimension
Notice from the European Commission of Directive (EU) 2015/719 concerning permissible vehicle masses and dimensions that will result in mandatory revisions to the EU type approval legislation during 2016.
18. (g) | Amendments to regulations related to the 3D H-point machine |
70. The expert from Germany informed GRSG about the ongoing discussion within the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) on the need to harmonize the specifications of the 3D H-point machine referenced in different UN Regulations and UN GTRs. GRSG welcomed the information and agreed to insert a new item to the agenda of its next session. |
18. (h) | Tributes to Mrs. Ransoné and Mr. Jongenelen |
71. GRSG noted that Mrs. Brigitte Ransoné (CLEPA) would no longer attend the sessions and acknowledged her continued support during the thirty years of participation in GRSG. Learning that Mr. Harry Jongenelen (The Netherlands) was also retiring, GRSG thanked him for his considerable contributions to the activities of GRSG and especially his recent dedication as Chair of the IWG on CMS. GRSG recognized their commitments with a long applause and wished them a long and happy retirement. |