Guidance on amendments to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
47. WP.29 noted that WP.29-164-10 was discussed under agenda item 4.4 (see para. 52 below). WP.29 referred the document to IWVTA for further consideration.
Proposal for clarification of Article 12 of draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement (Netherlands)
Proposal for clarification of Article 12 of draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
Proposal to amend the draft agreement to address situations where a Contracting Party disagrees with an adopted amendment and ceases to apply a given UN Regulation. The proposal seeks to clarify that the Contracting Party would still be obligated to accept type approvals based on the previous versions of the regulation (i.e., approvals based on versions of the regulation that the CP had been accepting before the amendment) for one year following its notification to cease application of the regulation.
Russian Federation position with regard to the draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement (Russia)
Russian Federation position with regard to the draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
Russian notification of its opposition to the draft Article 9 provisions that would enable voting by proxy under the 1958 Agreement and proposal to delete Article 9 in its entirety. Russia also supports a change in the voting procedure to require a 4/5ths majority to adopt a given motion.
Guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations
Guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations
Explanation of a “first set” of guidelines prepared by the WP.29 secretariat concerning the submission and adoption of modifications to UN Regulations, especially taking into consideration the pending Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement which envisions, among other things, the acceptance to multiple “versions” of each regulation. This document covers: amendments resulting from draft Revision 3; publication of new series of amendments; long transitional provisions; versions of UN Regulations; use of cross-references; amendment commencement dates; consolidation of amendments to once per year; and use of “compilations” of modifications.
Proposal to increase the majority threshold for adoption of UN Regulation texts (Australia, Malaysia, Russia, and Japan)
Proposal to increase the majority threshold for adoption of UN Regulation texts
Proposal to raise the voting threshold required under the 1958 Agreement to approve a given text (e.g., new UN Regulation or amendment of an existing regulation) from the present two-thirds majority (achievable by the EU vote alone) to a four-fifths majority.
Proposal to amend draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement (OICA)
Proposal to amend draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
Proposal to clarify the mutual recognition requirement of the draft revision of the 1958 Agreement. OICA views the clause that subjects the mutual recognition requirement to “any special provisions” contained within a given UN Regulation as potentially detrimental to the basic principles of uniformity and mutual recognition. The phrase was deemed necessary because such special provisions do exist; however, OICA proposes to revise the phrase ostensibly to avoid creating the impression that the use of such “special provisions” is routine (rather than exceptional) under the Agreement.
Proposal for amendments to draft Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
Proposal for amendments to draft Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
Addition of an article to the agreement stating its preparation in English, French, and Russian with all three languages carrying the same legal power.