Working Party on Noise | Session 58 | 2-4 Sep 2013
Agenda Item 11.
Definitions and acronyms in Regulations under the responsibilities of GRB

26. GRB agreed to resume discussion at its January 2014 session on the basis of GRB-57-12 and GRB-57-18 and of informal documents provided by the expert from CLEPA concerning UN Regulations Nos. 59 and 28 and by the expert from EC concerning QRTV.

GRB-57-12 UN Regulation No. 63: Acronyms and Abbreviations (IMMA)
GRB-57-18 Proposal for a list of Acronyms and Abbreviations to Regulation No. 51 (OICA)
GRB/2013/9 Proposal for Amendment 2 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (Russia)