Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 12 | 24-28 Jan 2022
Virtual session
Agenda Item 8. (b)
Electromechanical Brakes

78. The expert from France reported on recent crashes involving concrete mixer trucks, such vehicles being currently exempted from the electronic stability requirements. He presented GRVA-12-07, proposing to remove the exemption for concrete mixers trucks.

79. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of the French proposal and requested the secretariat to distribute GRVA-12-07 with an official symbol at the next GRVA session in May 2022.

80. GRVA noted the oral report of the expert from CLEPA concerning ongoing discussions regarding electromechanical brakes (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/8) and agreed to consider a revised document at its May 2022 session.

GRVA-12-07 UN R13: Proposal for amendments (France)
GRVA/2022/8 UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments (CLEPA)