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(Latest posted on 10 Jan 2024)
UN R55 | Revision 1 (2001)
7 Dec 2001 2011-01-28 11:04:37 UTC 1 01 series of amendments
UN R55 | Revision 1 | Corrigendum 1 (2002)
5 Jul 2002 2011-01-28 11:05:26 UTC 1 1 01 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1
UN R55 | Revision 1 | Amendment 1 (2010)
12 May 2010 2011-01-28 11:06:09 UTC 1 1 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R55 | Revision 1 | Amendment 2 (2011)
24 Feb 2011 2011-11-14 08:56:00 UTC 1 2 01 series of amendments | Supplement 2 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2010/66
UN R55 | Revision 1 | Amendment 3 (2012)
23 May 2012 2013-01-27 13:36:50 UTC 1 3 01 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposals: WP.29/2011/60 WP.29/2011/60/Corr.1
UN R55 | Revision 1 | Amendment 4 (2015)
9 Nov 2015 2015-11-26 16:47:35 UTC 1 4 01 series of amendments | Supplement 4 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/7

Proposal as approved by the GRRF to introduce amendments on requirements for movable couplings, increased range of application of remote controls to couplings similar to C50-X and G50-X, possible increase of characteristic values of standard couplings and to include of further requirements on the mounting of couplings.

UN R55 | Revision 2 (2015)
11 Nov 2015 2015-11-26 16:48:49 UTC 2 01 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposals: WP.29/2011/60 WP.29/2011/60/Corr.1 01 series of amendments | Supplement 2 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2010/66 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1 01 series of amendments | Supplement 4 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/7

Proposal as approved by the GRRF to introduce amendments on requirements for movable couplings, increased range of application of remote controls to couplings similar to C50-X and G50-X, possible increase of characteristic values of standard couplings and to include of further requirements on the mounting of couplings.

01 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1
UN R55 | Revision 2 | Amendment 1 (2016)
28 Oct 2016 2016-11-03 06:21:39 UTC 2 1 01 series of amendments | Supplement 5 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2016/5

Proposal as prepared by the UN R55 informal group and approved by the GRRF to update UN R55 with respect to:
a) Requirements on remote indication;
b) Availability of information on coupling fixing points for A50X couplings;
c) On lateral strength of drawbars; and
d) a new class definition for fully automatic drawbar couplings.

UN R55 | Revision 2 | Amendment 2 (2017)
22 Feb 2017 2017-05-31 17:44:46 UTC 2 2 01 series of amendments | Supplement 6 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2016/53

Proposal to ensure that coupling balls do not block rear lighting and/or registration plates.

UN R55 | Revision 2 | Amendment 3 (2018)
26 Apr 2018 2018-05-10 09:20:01 UTC 2 3 01 series of amendments | Supplement 7 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2017/69

Proposal for:

  1. An amendment for the separation of the procedures to verify towable mass from the procedure of setting and certifying performance values;
  2. An amendment that adds procedures to verify towable mass for vehicle combinations that have hitherto not been accounted for in the Regulation;
  3. Amendments that adds integrated fixing points for secondary couplings;
  4. An amendment that clarifies the procedure to identify worst cases for certification testing;
  5. Amendments that removes typos in the current Regulation.
Please note that, under paragraph 3.4 regarding “Combination 4”, the Clevis coupling formula should read “DC” rather than “D” as shown.

UN R55 | Revision 2 | Amendment 4 (2020)
1 Jul 2020 2021-01-04 08:35:18 UTC 2 4 01 series of amendments | Supplement 8 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2019/96

Proposal to improve the communication document. The current wording of item 2 in Annex 1 is redundant with item 3 and not aligned with similar texts (UN R58 or R73). The key point of item 2 is to identify the type of device or component approved.

UN R55 | Revision 2 | Amendment 5 (2020)
2 Nov 2020 2021-01-04 08:36:53 UTC 2 5 02 series of amendments Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2020/27

Proposal to specify that "the motor-vehicle’s user instructions (e.g. owner’s manual, vehicle handbook) shall clearly specify that the removable or repositionable mechanical coupling device shall always be removed or repositioned when it is not in use.” The purpose is to comply with an EU General Safety Regulation provision that prohibits couplings from obscuring rear lighting components or registration plates.

Earlier texts may be available through the UN Official Document System.