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(Latest posted on 25 Jun 2024)
GTR No. 5
15 Nov 2006 2011-01-01 18:32:47 UTC
GTR No. 5: Appendix 1-Proposal and final report on the development of the GTR
15 Nov 2006 2011-01-01 18:33:50 UTC
GTR No. 5: Corrigendum 1
12 Nov 2009 2011-01-01 18:34:46 UTC
GTR No. 5: Amendment 1
15 Nov 2012 2016-10-31 17:58:21 UTC
GTR No. 5: Amendment 1-Appendix
15 Nov 2012 2016-10-31 17:59:29 UTC
Earlier texts may be available through the UN Official Document System.