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WP.29 Discussion Topic
WP.29 has requested its subsidiary working parties (GR) to review current regulations for issues that may arise in their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems. This topic covers the activities across the working parties.
(Latest posted on 28 Jun 2024)
| Upcoming | | | |
9-12 Jan GRPE | Session 90
15 Jan SIG-AVRS | Session 15
18-19 Jan FADS | Session 13
22-26 Jan GRVA | Session 18
23 Jan AVSR | Session 15
29 Jan TF-AVRS | Session 10
6-9 Feb GRBP | Session 79
22 Feb TF-AVRS | Session 11
4-8 Mar WP.29 | Session 192
14 Mar AVSR | Session 16
20-21 Mar FADS | Session 14
21 Mar GRBP-TFAVRS | Session 1
27 Mar TF-AVRS | Session 12
28 Mar AVRS | Session 7
15-19 Apr GRSG | Session 127
17 Apr GRBP-TFAVRS | Session 2
23 Apr TF-AVRS | Session 13
26 Apr FADS | Session 15
15 May GRBP-TFAVRS | Session 3
20-24 May and 25 Jun GRVA | Session 19
27-31 May GRSP | Session 75
27 May TF-AVRS | Session 14
3 Jun TFVS | Session 15
11-12 Jun AVC | Session 6
13-14 Jun FADS | Session 16
18 Jun TF-AVRS | Session 15
19 Jun GRBP-TFAVRS | Session 4
10 Jul AVSR | Session 17
17 Jul GRBP-TFAVRS | Session 5
19 Jul FADS | Session 17
2 Sep TF-AVRS | Session 16
3 Sep GRBP-TFAVRS | Session 6
10 Oct TF-AVRS | Session 17