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WP.29 Agreement
(Latest posted on 25 Jun 2024)
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1 March 2016 Status of the 1998 Agreement - Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 2 March 2016
WP.29-168-03 2016-03-01
4 March 2016 Declaration of the Second Global High-level Conference on Road Safety (Brasilia Declaration)
WP.29-168-06 2016-03-04
8 March 2016 The performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested in the framework of type-approval or self-certification
WP.29-168-15 2016-03-08
8 March 2016 Trilateral White Paper - Improvement in the Implementation of the 1998 Global Agreement (EU, Japan, and USA)
WP.29-168-08 2016-03-08
14 April 2016 Proposal for new Special Resolution No. 2 (S.R.2) - Improvement in the implementation of the 1998 Global Agreement (USA, EU, and Japan)
WP.29/2016/65 2016-04-14
17 May 2016 Product performance under conditions outside of type approval or self-certification test methods
PTI-04-06 2016-05-17
19 July 2016 World Forum Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs
WP.29-169-01/Rev.1 2016-07-19
15 June 2016 Programme of Work of the WP.29 and its Subsidiary Bodies
WP.29/2016/1/Rev.1 2016-06-15
15 June 2016 Status of the 1998 Agreement, of the Global Registry and of the Compendium of Candidates - Revision 16
WP.29/1073/Rev.16 2016-06-15
16 June 2016 Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates - Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 15th June 2016
WP.29-169-05 2016-06-16
16 June 2016 Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement: 47th session - Establishment of the Executive Committee AC.3 and Consideration and vote by AC.3
WP.29-169-06 2016-06-16
21 June 2016 Performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested
WP.29-169-13 2016-06-21
27 June 2016 Highlights of the speech by Director General Mr. Kim, Yongseog of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in the Republic of Korea (MOLIT)
WP.29-169-15 2016-06-27
1 November 2016 Establishment of AC.3 (1998 Agreement), Consideration of proposals, and vote
WP.29-170-11 2016-11-01
10 November 2016 Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates - Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 9th November 2016
WP.29-170-16 2016-11-10
11 November 2016 Status Report on the Implementation of UN Global Technical Regulations in the Russian Federation (Russia)
WP.29-170-18 2016-11-11
11 November 2016 World Forum Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs
WP.29-170-01 2016-11-11
15 November 2016 Decision on the use of the term "UN GTR"
WP.29-170-26 2016-11-15
16 November 2016 Proposal to amend Special Resolution 2 (document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/65) (OICA)
WP.29-170-33 2016-11-16
10 November 2016 Status of the 1998 Agreement, of the Global Registry and of the Compendium of Candidates - Revision 17
WP.29/1073/Rev.17 2016-11-10