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(Latest 5 July 2013)
1. Introductory remarks
2. Adoption of the agenda
WP.29-160-28 | Agenda for the fourth EWG meeting (session 3) Agenda for the fourth meeting (including an initial "session 0" to organize the group) of the Enforcement Working Group.
3. Presentations
EWG-02-01 | ETRMA: Why the need for enforcement? -The Tyre Case Presentation on the regulatory environment for vehicle tires.
EWG-02-02 | Vehicle Recalls in Australia
EWG-02-03 | MEMA & Continued Efforts on Counterfeit Auto Parts
EWG-02-04 | UK Approach to Vehicle Safety Defects and Recalls
EWG-02-05 | Update on EU type-approval legislation and enforcement policies 2013 update on enforcement policies and developments in the EU type-approval legislation for automotive products
4. Other business
5. Next meeting
6. Closing remarks