29. The expert from France, Chair of the IWG on Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (ECRS), introduced a presentation (GRSP-57-22) to show the work progress of the IWG and the main content of draft 01 series of amendments incorporating provisions for booster seats (GRSP-57-20 and GRSP-57-21 superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2015/9). He added that for Phase II of the UN Regulation there were still some pending issues such as safety for children in cars on booster cushions without a backrest and geometric definition of the test fixture (gabarit) for booster seats with an integrated backrest. The expert from Germany suggested only the inclusion of booster cushions with backrests in UN Regulation No. 129, while provisions for other kind of boosters should remain for the time being in UN Regulation No. 44 pending a whole revision of this last UN Regulation. The expert from EC endorsed the work of the IWG and he proposed further promotion of the of i-size concept to allow the installation of three ECRS on the same row seat in larger family cars. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its December 2015 session on this subject awaiting the outcome of the IWG and requested to distribute GRSP-57-20 with an official symbol.