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Proposal for Supplement 27 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6
Document GRE/2015/7
23 January 2015

Proposal to correct an error in Supplement 24 to the 01 series of amendments (document WP.29/2013/14 adopted by the Forum during its March 2013 session). During the compilation of the collective amendment (GRE-68-02-Rev.2), necessary changes to Regulation No. 6 were overlooked. This amendment proposes to align the treatment of categories 1, 1a and 1b with other categories and devices.

Submitted by GTB
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.9.3. Proposal for Supplement 27 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6
7. (a) Regulation No. 6 (Direction indicators)

21. GTB proposed to correct an error in Regulation No. 6 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/7). GRE approved this proposal, but agreed to postpone to the next session a decision to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote, awaiting other possible proposals for amendments to this Regulation in the course of the simplification process.

22. The expert from EC pointed out the administrative burden and legal uncertainty imposed by numerous supplements to lighting and light-signalling Regulations and requested that such amendments be limited to one per year per Regulation. He also expressed concerns about a large number of official documents with amendments proposals submitted by GTB without their prior consideration as informal documents. The expert from GTB stated that his organization would consider how to improve transparency of its work and submissions to GRE. The secretariat clarified that all submissions received earlier than twelve weeks before the session are submitted as official documents for translation, in line with the Rules of Procedure. The expert from UK, chairing the Working Party on Braking and Running Gear (GRRF), informed GRE about the GRRF experiences in dealing with documentation and limiting the number of amendment proposals transmitted to WP.29. Various experts generally supported the idea to collect proposals for amendments to the same Regulation during several sessions of GRE and then to submit them to WP.29 once a year. At the same time, experts called for flexibility and exceptions to this practice, should this be justified by urgent needs of Contracting Parties and/or industry or by emerging new technologies.

23. The Chair drew the following conclusions:
a) Proposals for amendments submitted before the twelve week deadline would continue to be issued as official documents;
b) Official documents submitted to this session of GRE (e.g. ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/7) could be adopted in principle, but put on hold until the next session, pending the outcome of the IWG SLR activities;
c) GRE would collect adopted proposals for amendments to the same Regulation to submit them all together to WP.29 at a certain stage. This general rule should be without prejudice to submitting adopted proposals without delay, based on the grounds of urgency and innovation;
d) The provisional agenda would include a new agenda item for pending amendment proposals.

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