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Expanded justification for proposed amendments to Regulation No. 118
Document GRSG-107-18
24 September 2014

More detailed explanation of the proposal (document GRSG/2014/24) to update the reference to ISO 6722 in the cable test (i.e. replace the reference to “IS0 6722 paragraph 12” with a reference to “ISO 6722-1:2011 paragraph 5.22”).

Submitted by OICA
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11. | Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour)

31. The expert from OICA introduced detailed justifications (GRSG-107-18) for his proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/24) to update, in UN Regulation No. 118, the ISO standard references. GRSG agreed to resume discussion on this agenda item at its May 2015 session and to keep GRSG-107-18 as reference, to leave time for experts to study ISO STD 6722 (see para. 26 above). Experts were invited to send comments to the secretariat concerning the above-mentioned ISO standard.

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