Proposal to introduce general performance guidelines into the annex on automated driver assistance systems in order to set initial safety considerations to guide the commercialization of this emerging technology.
50. The expert from Japan introduced GRRF-79-29, presenting the proposals on LKAS discussed under item 9(b) as well as GRRF-79-15 tabled by the expert from Japan and Germany, superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2015/4 and proposing amendments to Annex 5 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) inserting provisions for Remote Controlled Parking (RCP) systems. Noting that traffic rules in some countries would require the driver being seated in the car during its motion, and also noting the preference of GRRF to not amend R.E.3 for this purpose, GRRF advised the authors of the proposal to consider a new Regulation for RCP. GRRF agreed to resume consideration on this item at its September 2015 session.
39. The expert from Japan presented GRRF-78-22 amending Annex 5 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), to insert provisions for Remote Controlled Parking (RCP) systems. GRRF noted some comments and requested the secretariat to distribute GRRF-78-22 with an official symbol for consideration at the next GRRF session.
GRRF/2015/4 |