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Request for guidance concerning future development of UN Regulation No. 103
Document GRPE-68-18
8 January 2014

Request for guidance from Germany on the possible further development of the regulation on replacement catalytic converters pursuant to the findings of a German study. The request particularly asks whether the regulation should require improved durability and emissions performance and whether a working group should be established to develop specific proposals. The document includes the findings on the emission performance of approved pollution control devices under the current UN R103.

Submitted by Germany
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (c) | UN Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101, and 103

28. The expert from Germany introduced GRPE-68-18, illustrating recent findings on the emission performance of approved replacement pollution control devices. He showed that the performance of the devices currently available on the market can vary to a high extent and sought guidance from GRPE on the preparation of a proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 103.

29. The experts from the EC, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland welcomed the contribution from Germany, agreeing that this subject requires further investigation. The experts from France and Spain also underlined some difficulties in the applications of UN Regulation No. 103. GRPE agreed with the initiative announced by the expert from Germany to submit a proposal for the setup of an informal working group tackling this issue in the June 2014 GRPE session.

Relates to UN R103 |