In a letter to Mssrs. Gauvin and Ramos, the European Commission, pursuant to concerns raised in its Technical Committee Motor Vehicles, raises issues with two paragraphs that are reproduced in a number of GRE proposals set for consideration at the November WP.29. The EU, therefore, cannot vote to adopt the proposals until these concerns have been addressed (i.e., for the March 2014 session).
54. The World Forum, in considering informal documents WP.29-161-06 and WP.29-161-11, agreed to refer the official documents listed under agenda items 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.4, 4.6.5, 4.6.8, 4.6.9, 4.6.12, 4.6.16, 4.6.17, 4.6.18, 4.6.19, 4.6.20, 4.6.21, 4.6.22, 4.6.23, 4.6.25, 4.6.26 and 4.6.27 back to GRE for further consideration.
[Proposal returned to GRE for further consideration.]
[Proposal returned to GRE for further consideration.]