Revisions to the changes proposed for the amendments to UN R107 developed by the Informal Group for Service Doors, Windows, and Emergency Exits (SDWEE) for inclusion in the 06 series of amendments to the regulation (document GRSG/2012/15).
17. Referring to informal document GRSG-103-29 superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2012/15, the Chair recalled the outcome of discussion at the previous session of GRSG on the new requirements for service doors, windows and emergency exits. The Chair of the informal group on the informal group on Service Doors, Windows and Emergency Exits in buses and coaches (SDWEE) introduced GRSG-104-22 containing a revised text for the amendments to UN Regulation No. 107. The experts from Germany, the Russian Federation and OICA introduced GRSG-104-05, GRSG-104-23 and GRSG-104-17 proposing some improvements to the proposed text.