Proposed revisions to the Annex 3 test procedures and interpretation of resulting data. This is based upon informal document GRB-56-06.
6. The expert from China introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2013/4 and GRB-57-13 proposing amendments to improve the test method of the 02 series of amendments to the UN Regulation. The expert from OICA questioned the opportunity of introducing amendments to the 02 series of amendments, taking into account that the latter one would be superseded in a short time by the 03 series of amendments. He finally proposed that draft amendments of method B, concerning Annexes 9 and 10 of the UN Regulation introduced by ECE/TRANS/P29/GRB/2013/4, would be discussed at the next ISO Working Group 42 meeting in April, because affecting the measurement procedure of method B reproduced in Standard ISO 362-1:2007. The expert from ISO agreed on this approach. GRB agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its September 2013 session on the basis of a proposal jointly revised by the experts from China, ISO and OICA.
GRB-56-06 |