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Children left in vehicles: Global information and statistics
Document WP.29-191-10
13 November 2023
Submitted by Australia, China, and Korea
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
18.2. | Children left in vehicles

213. The representative of Australia introduced a summary of key points concerning information and statistics on the issue of children left in vehicles submitted by a number of concerned parties. Moreover, he reiterated that this topic was a priority in his country and his readiness to develop a UN GTR on this subject.

214. The representative of Canada also echoed the relevance of this subject and suggested to develop guidelines as a start.

215. The representative of Republic of Korea expressed his country’s support to this activity. He mentioned the national effort made on the children’s transportation safety and offered to share their findings and experiences in the informal working group.

216. The representative of Consumer International (CI) stated that this topic was lingering around for some time already, and urged to speed up the process. He added that was not relevant the number of fatalities to catalyse the discussion but rather the enormous tragedies behind every single fatality. He shared his opinion that fatalities were avoidable because the technology to address it was already available. He recalled AC.3 that Euro NCAP presented its protocol to rate child presence detection systems at the December 2021 session of GRSP. He further urged WP.29 to start activities on this subject.

217. The representative of China echoed the statement of CI and confirmed that a number of NCAP worldwide including his country are considering this issue in their protocols. He urged action and offered the support of his country as co-chair of a future IWG on this subject. AC.3 reiterated its recommendation stated at its June 2023 session (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1173, para. 195) and recommended GRSP and concerned subsidiary bodies to provide technical feedback on this subject at their future sessions.

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